Configure Owntracks in mobile app

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Dedicated computer
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH, through the webadmin, direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

:uk:/:us: English

Description of my issue

I installed Owntracks on my Yunohost instance and port 443 is open on my router and through Yunohost’s firewall.
I’m trying to setup Owntracks on my iOS mobile. I explored:

What I tried:

For the URL, I also tried:

For the UserID, I tried:

  • username

When I click on Publish settings, I get a 404 error.

Does anyone know how to properly configure Owntracks to make this work?

Thanks in advance.

:fr: Français

Description de mon problème

J’ai installé Owntracks sur mon instance Yunohost et le port 443 est ouvert sur mon routeur et via le pare-feu de Yunohost.
J’essaie de configurer Owntracks sur mon mobile iOS. J’ai exploré :

Ce que j’ai tenté :

  • SĂ©lectionnĂ© HTTP
  • UserID : le nom d’utilisateur
  • Authentification activĂ©
  • Password activĂ© et mis celui de mon utilisateur
  • Pas de secret encryption key
  • URL :

Pour l’URL, j’ai essayé aussi :

Pour le UserID, j’ai essayé :

  • nomutilisateur

Quand je clique sur Publish settings, j’obtiens une erreur 404.

Quelqu’un saurait comment configurer adéquatement Owntracks pour que cela fonctionne ?

Merci d’avance.

Here is my configuration that is working:

Username is your YunoHost username.


It’s working. This is the url to use : https://domainname.tld/owntracks/recorder/pub
Thank you @tituspijean !


@tituspijean how are you suppose to add friends manually ? I don’t see any other user in the Friends tab… but I can see a user on the map.

I have a specific group whom members have the right to access Owntracks.

I do not use that feature sorry. I will try to investigate over the weekend.

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Thank you so much @tituspijean - you saved me here!
If you or anyone knows anything about the Friends tab on the mobile app, I’ll be more than happy to learn about it too.
At first I thought their documentation on Friends suggests this can only work when the app uses MQTT, but I’m not too certain about it, as the Getting Started bit suggests MQTT is being used behind the curtain when using HTTP…?

It should be added though, that the yunohost web app (/owntracks by default) does show all of your yunohost server users that have the app and using it (click burger menue, then select show all on users). Shame the app doesn’t- but maybe we just miss something.

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So, I found another piece in the owntracks friends puzzle, that suggests using ocat to add which user can see what friends. However, this is much easier said than done :confused:
I did try running the mentioned command (by ssh’ing into the yunohost machine) with the users of my server that have permission to use owntracks, that have the app on their phone and that can actually be seen on the yunohost/owntracks page, but to no avail :frowning: I did try afterwards to restart the service as well as the app and even the phone- still nothing.
I then tried to run things like ocat --list but got an error saying {"error":"Cannot open requested directory"}

Anyone managed to make this work? Any ideas? :pray:

Still nothing on my end :frowning:

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