Compare updated Synapse server with expected state of fresh deployment


I recently encountered the same issue as described in this post (would have gladly commented but it’s now closed unfortunately) and it made me think about the following feature.

I initially installed yunohost something like 10 years ago and the synapse server not so long after. Ever since I’ve more or less seamlessly upgraded from version to version and noticed the improved quality of the packaging.

However, I run into minor issues with every other update and they are related to the legacy material that has not been cleared from previous versions. Typically, this time, I had a leftover federation.conf file under /etc/nginx/conf.d/ that conflicted with a location entry defined in synapse_server_name.conf.

I could easily fix the issue by removing the old file and could resume the upgrade from the backed up version, but this is always a bit stressful.

Now I cannot imagine it to be realistic to handle all the edge cases that various Yunohost setups might have accumulated over the years. So what I’d like to suggest on the other hand is an updated list shipping with every version of what the file tree should like in a fresh deployment.

This would be very helpful to help debug this kind of issues. It could also be extended to database schemas although I’ve had less issues with those as they seem to be fairly well covered by the migration scripts.

My 2p.

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