Comment nettoyer manuellement une installation wordpress?


j’ai essaye installer plusieures instances de WP sur un domaine, apres j’ai supprimer avec interface yunohost toutes les appli, supprimer domaine, re-ajouter domain

et maintentenant je n’arrive pas a installer WP. Je pense il y a des fichiers depuis ancien installe qui bloque installation… qq peux m’aider a “cleaner” mes precedentes installe pour commencer installation de nouveaux ?

mes logs d’installe:

2017-05-08 18:44:04,243 INFO moulinette.actionsmap process - processing action [23727.1471]:
2017-05-08 18:44:04,247 INFO _fetch_app_from_git - [23727.1471] Downloading…
2017-05-08 18:44:05,256 INFO _extract_app_from_file - [23727.1471] Extracting…
2017-05-08 18:44:05,273 INFO _extract_app_from_file - [23727.1471] Done
2017-05-08 18:44:05,275 INFO check_manifest_requirements - [23727.1471] Checking required packages…
2017-05-08 18:44:05,625 INFO yunohost.hook hook_exec - [23727.1471] Executing script ‘/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/wordpress_ynh-6650983a6272dedd357ea2900401ba3bf5c668ce/scripts/install’…
2017-05-08 18:44:05,661 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + source .fonctions
2017-05-08 18:44:05,664 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + TRAP_ON
2017-05-08 18:44:05,664 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + set -eu
2017-05-08 18:44:05,665 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + trap EXIT_PROPERLY EXIT
2017-05-08 18:44:05,665 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +
2017-05-08 18:44:05,666 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + path=/blog
2017-05-08 18:44:05,666 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + admin_wordpress=cosmic
2017-05-08 18:44:05,666 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + language=en_EN
2017-05-08 18:44:05,667 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + multisite=No
2017-05-08 18:44:05,667 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + is_public=Yes
2017-05-08 18:44:05,668 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + app=wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:05,668 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2017-05-08 18:44:05,669 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2017-05-08 18:44:05,673 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,673 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,673 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem
2017-05-08 18:44:05,673 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ CAN_BIND=1
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,674 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,675 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,676 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2017-05-08 18:44:05,677 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,677 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,677 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2017-05-08 18:44:05,677 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,677 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,678 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2017-05-08 18:44:05,680 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + CHECK_VAR wordpress__4 ‘app name not set’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,681 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + test -n wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:05,681 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + CHECK_USER cosmic
2017-05-08 18:44:05,681 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_user_exists cosmic
2017-05-08 18:44:05,684 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + grep -q ‘“username”: “cosmic”’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,684 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo yunohost user list --output-as json
2017-05-08 18:44:05,808 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + CHECK_PATH
2017-05-08 18:44:05,809 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ / ‘!=’ / ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,809 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ g == / ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:05,809 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + CHECK_DOMAINPATH
2017-05-08 18:44:05,809 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo yunohost app checkurl -a wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,517 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] Unable to install the app in this location
2017-05-08 18:44:06,573 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + EXIT_PROPERLY
2017-05-08 18:44:06,574 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + exit_code=1
2017-05-08 18:44:06,574 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ 1 -eq 0 ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,574 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + trap ‘’ EXIT
2017-05-08 18:44:06,574 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + set +eu
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo -e ‘\e[91m \e[1m’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471]
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo -e ‘!!\n wordpress__4 install’'‘s script has encountered an error. Installation was cancelled.\n!!’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + type -t CLEAN_SETUP
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + CLEAN_SETUP
2017-05-08 18:44:06,575 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo sed -i /wordpress/d /etc/hosts
2017-05-08 18:44:06,576 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] !!
2017-05-08 18:44:06,576 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] wordpress__4 install’s script has encountered an error. Installation was cancelled.
2017-05-08 18:44:06,576 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] !!
2017-05-08 18:44:06,591 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo sed -i ‘@“”:@d’ /etc/ssowat/conf.json
2017-05-08 18:44:06,606 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_die
2017-05-08 18:44:06,606 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo ‘’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,607 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + exit 1
2017-05-08 18:44:06,607 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471]
2017-05-08 18:44:06,645 INFO yunohost.hook hook_exec - [23727.1471] Executing script ‘/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/wordpress_ynh-6650983a6272dedd357ea2900401ba3bf5c668ce/scripts/remove’…
2017-05-08 18:44:06,681 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + source .fonctions
2017-05-08 18:44:06,684 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
2017-05-08 18:44:06,684 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
2017-05-08 18:44:06,688 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,688 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,688 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem
2017-05-08 18:44:06,689 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ CAN_BIND=1
2017-05-08 18:44:06,689 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,689 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,689 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip
2017-05-08 18:44:06,690 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,690 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,690 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:06,691 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:06,691 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,691 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,691 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package
2017-05-08 18:44:06,692 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,692 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,692 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print
2017-05-08 18:44:06,693 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,693 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,693 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
2017-05-08 18:44:06,693 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,694 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,694 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
2017-05-08 18:44:06,695 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,695 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,696 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
2017-05-08 18:44:06,696 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ for helper in ‘$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,696 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ‘[’ -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,696 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
2017-05-08 18:44:06,697 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + app=wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,697 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ ynh_app_setting_get wordpress__4 domain
2017-05-08 18:44:06,697 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ sudo yunohost app setting wordpress__4 domain --output-as plain --quiet
2017-05-08 18:44:06,846 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + domain=
2017-05-08 18:44:06,846 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + REMOVE_BDD wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,846 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + db_user=wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,847 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + grep -q ‘^| wordpress__4’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,849 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ sudo cat /etc/yunohost/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:06,867 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + mysqlshow -u root -pterBtH1uzD
2017-05-08 18:44:06,871 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo ‘Delete db’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,872 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] Delete db
2017-05-08 18:44:06,872 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_drop_db wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,872 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_execute_as_root ‘DROP DATABASE wordpress__4;’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,873 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ sudo cat /etc/yunohost/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:06,889 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_connect_as root terBtH1uzD ‘’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,890 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + mysql -u root --password=terBtH1uzD -B ‘’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,896 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ERROR 1008 (HY000) at line 1: Can’t drop database ‘wordpress__4’; database doesn’t exist
2017-05-08 18:44:06,898 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_drop_user wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,899 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_execute_as_root ‘DROP USER ‘'‘wordpress__4’'’@’'‘localhost’'‘;’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,900 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ sudo cat /etc/yunohost/mysql
2017-05-08 18:44:06,920 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ynh_mysql_connect_as root terBtH1uzD ‘’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,921 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + mysql -u root --password=terBtH1uzD -B ‘’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,928 WARNING yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ERROR 1396 (HY000) at line 1: Operation DROP USER failed for ‘wordpress__4’@‘localhost’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,929 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + SECURE_REMOVE ‘/var/www/$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,930 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + chaine=‘/var/www/$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,930 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + no_var=0
2017-05-08 18:44:06,931 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + grep -q ‘$’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,933 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo ‘/var/www/$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,935 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + no_var=1
2017-05-08 18:44:06,936 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ cut -d ‘$’ -f 2
2017-05-08 18:44:06,937 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ echo ‘/var/www/$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,939 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + global_var=app
2017-05-08 18:44:06,939 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ expr app : '([A-Za-z0-9
2017-05-08 18:44:06,941 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + only_var=‘$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,942 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ eval ‘echo $app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,942 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] +++ echo wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,943 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + real_var=wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,944 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + test -z wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,944 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ wordpress__4 = / ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,945 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ sed ‘s@$app@wordpress__4@’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,947 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] ++ echo ‘/var/www/$app’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,948 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + chaine=/var/www/wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,949 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + grep -q ‘$’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,951 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo /var/www/wordpress__4
2017-05-08 18:44:06,952 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ 1 -eq 1 ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,953 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ -e /var/www/wordpress__4 ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,953 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + return 0
2017-05-08 18:44:06,953 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + REMOVE_NGINX_CONF
2017-05-08 18:44:06,953 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ -e /etc/nginx/conf.d/.d/wordpress__4.conf ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,954 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + REMOVE_FPM_CONF
2017-05-08 18:44:06,954 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ -e /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/wordpress__4.conf ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,955 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + ‘[’ -e /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-wordpress__4.ini ‘]’
2017-05-08 18:44:06,955 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo service php5-fpm reload
2017-05-08 18:44:06,996 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + sudo yunohost app ssowatconf
2017-05-08 18:44:07,822 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] The SSOwat configuration has been generated
2017-05-08 18:44:07,876 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471] + echo -e ‘\e[0m’
2017-05-08 18:44:07,876 INFO yunohost.hook - [23727.1471]
2017-05-08 18:44:07,969 INFO geventwebsocket.handler log_request - - - [2017-05-08 18:44:07] “POST /apps HTTP/1.1” 500 154 3.749247

Il semble qu’il ne peux pas installer l’application sur l’adresse

Est ce que tu as d’autres applications installées (par exemple une application installée à l’adresse ou à ?

Sinon que donne yunohost app list --installed

je vois les applis, rien de “etrange” mais pas d’info sur les URLS occupé dans cette resultat