[Collabora Online Development Edition] Self-Hostable Office Suite

Would it work if nextcloud has been installed on a subfolder of a yunohost domain like domain.tld/nextcloud and I install collaboraonline on a subdomain like collaboraonline.domain.tld ?

I donā€™t see why it wouldā€™ntā€¦
I have both on a subdomain and it works great, but never tested with Nextcloud in a subpath.

Hello all !
Iā€™ve just discoverd that since Collabora 6.4, itā€™s possible to have a notebookbar instead of the traditional classic bar : https://www.collaboraoffice.com/press-releases/code-6-4-0-release/.

After some research, I found out how to set it up :smiley:

Go to the loolwsd.xml file :
nano /etc/loolwsd/loolwsd.xml

Add this (Iā€™ve put it at the end, just before </config>) :

      <mode type="string" desc="Controls the user interface style (classic|notebookbar)" default="notebookbar">notebookbar</mode>

Reboot loolwsd service :
sudo systemctl restart loolwsd

If you want to revert to classic, you have two possibilities : remove this or just change >notebookbar</mode> to >classic</mode> and reboot loolwsd service.

I was not conviced by this in dark mode in Nextcloud so Iā€™m again on classic, but so if anyone wants to try it too, you can !

Iā€™ve tried then but the installation failed : https://paste.yunohost.org/raw/unapoladob

I got the following error :
021-01-02 13:20:44,114: WARNING - janv. 02 13:20:42 loolwsd[29137]: File not found: /etc/loolwsd/ca-chain.cert.pem

Iā€™m not the only one to face this issue : https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/collabora_ynh/issues/34

Iā€™ve seen that @Aleks fixed it in testing. You can try installing now with
sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/collabora_ynh/tree/testing --debug


New testing version :tada:

Thanks to @Taekiro, Collabora is working again :tada:.
I have tested Collabora successfully with Nextcloud 23.0.0 and YNH 11.

We need testing with Nextcloud 22.2.3 and YNH 4.3

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/collabora_ynh/tree/testing

Upgrade from previous version may not work. You will need to uninstall before reinstalling.

I just tried, works great !! Thank you both :partying_face:

Petit retour dā€™utilisation, lā€™installation de lā€™application Ć  fonctionner sans souci, mais par contre la configuration elle Ć©tait plus chaotique.

Pour faire simple, la documentation demande dā€™aller sur la config de collabora https://office.domain.tld/browser/dist/admin/admin.html mais pas moyen de se connecter avec le mot de passe renseignĆ© pendant lā€™installation.

En revanche, dans la webadmin de Yunohost > Utilisateurs > Groupes et autorisations. Enfin, dans le groupe Visiteurs, ajout de Nextcloud et Collabora.
Maintenant, tout fonctionne.

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Merci bien! That might be a reason why it does not work for many! Nextcloud has to be added to the Visitors group. Before I only had Nextcloud (api), then it did not work, documents did not load, now it is working! We need to change the documentation

Hello People,
I finally managed to get Collabora Online work on my RaspberryPi under Yunohost.
Thanks to this post here:

I just had to update the file : /etc/nginx/conf.d/MYCLOUD.MYDOMAIN.TLD.d/nextcloud.conf
like said in the link and reload php-fpm8.1 and nginx services then activate the richmonddocs apps and all good.