Collabora package is marked as not working. So in the gui store it’s marked as not working…
But there is an other package collaboradocker that install a docker image of collabora and this one is marled as working (i don’t know if it is true).
About this package, you should be able to deploy the testing version. But, there was a bug with the last instruction. I have tried to fix it quickly, but you may need to specify --no-remove-on-failure and to run manually the loolwsd service.
You should understand this package use a third party repo, this could break your system in some situation (conflict with other package or with new yunohost version…).
For now, i have no time to search a different way to setup collabora.
sudo yunohost app install --debug --no-remove-on-failure
About onlyoffice, I recently deployed it with the package. I have met an issue with fonts, but the first time i deployed it i get no issue. I don’t know why.
I should be available to improve quality of those packages in 2 weeks.