What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.10 What app is this about: Collabora
Describe your issue
I am trying to install collabora to use with nextcloud - but without success.
The installation is going without any errors - but after installation it is not possible to access the administration area.
During installation i entered the password to access this area - but whenever i enter it the popup asking for username + password just comes back up.
Username entered is admin - as told in the yunohost application are - and the password is copy+pasted → so no error possible there.
If you look at /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml you can find the password - but the ending is changed - meaning (showing the last few letters of my password):
is shown as
I tried installing collabora with the last yunohost version already with the same problem - not beeing able to access the admin area
I have the same issue, I cannot connect to the admin panel on a fresh Collabora installation.
For some reasons, Nextcloud can connect to it anyway and it seems to be working good enough. On the first Collabora installation I ticked “only yunohost users” and nextcloud couldn’t connect. On the second install I ticked “everyone” and this time Nextcloud is happy.
then in the file /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml edit the line
<password desc="The password of the admin console. Deprecated on most platforms. Instead, use PAM or coolconfig to set up a secure password.">Y0URP4ZZW0RD</password>
<admin_console desc="Web admin console settings.">
<enable desc="Enable the admin console functionality" type="bool" default="true">true</enable>
<enable_pam desc="Enable admin user authentication with PAM" type="bool" default="false">false</enable_pam>
<username desc="The username of the admin console. Ignored if PAM is enabled.">admin</username>
<password desc="The password of the admin console. Deprecated on most platforms. Instead, use PAM or coolconfig to set up a secure password.">123456</password>
it does not work and the prompt just pops up again. Tested in firefox, firefox private mode and chromium.
Also - i dont know if its related - when i install the nextcloud office app and enter my server (collabora.apps.mydomain.com)
it gives the errors:
Could not establish connection to the Collabora Online server.
You have not configured the allow-list for WOPI requests. Without this setting users may download restricted files via WOPI requests to the Nextcloud server. Click here for more info
and the logging shows
Error index
Exception Call to a member function xpath() on false in file '/var/www/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/WOPI/Parser.php' line 41
Error PHP
simplexml_load_string(): ^ at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/WOPI/Parser.php#39
Error PHP
simplexml_load_string(): -af76-9e7b14c399f2",buildAssetsDir:"/assets/",cdnURL:""}}</script></body></html> at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/WOPI/Parser.php#39
Error PHP
simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 77: parser error : Premature end of data in tag link line 6 at /var/www/nextcloud/apps/richdocuments/lib/WOPI/Parser.php#39
I am having the same issue. My Nextcloud instance can connect to Collabora, but I cannot access the admin page. I’ve done all these steps, plus the steps from another post (the OP was in French, but the answers in English). Not sure what’s going on…