Takes me to https://yunohost.local/yunohost/sso/
and I get a Redirection error: Invalid URL
message. Clicking on an app title (in this case, jellyfin) sends me back to the admin view.
I exactly got the same problem on my server. Did you find out what the problem is? Or does somebody can help us?
Here is my diag result:
Base system (basesystem)
[INFO] Server hardware architecture is bare-metal armhf
- Server model is Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4
[INFO] Server is running Linux kernel 5.10.103-v7l+
[INFO] Server is running Debian 10.12
[INFO] Server is running YunoHost (stable)
- yunohost version: (stable)
- yunohost-admin version: (stable)
- moulinette version: (stable)
- ssowat version: (stable)
Internet connectivity (ip)
[SUCCESS] Domain name resolution is working!
[SUCCESS] The server is connected to the Internet through IPv4!
- Global IP: xx.xx.xx.xx
- Local IP:
[SUCCESS] The server is connected to the Internet through IPv6!
- Global IP: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
- Local IP: fe80::5a8a:49ce:40de:c781
DNS records (dnsrecords)
[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category basic)
[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category mail)
[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category xmpp)
[SUCCESS] DNS records are correctly configured for domain maindomain.tld (category extra)
Ports exposure (ports)
[SUCCESS] Port 22 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for admin features (service ssh)
[SUCCESS] Port 25 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)
[SUCCESS] Port 80 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)
[SUCCESS] Port 443 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for web features (service nginx)
[SUCCESS] Port 587 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for email features (service postfix)
[SUCCESS] Port 993 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for email features (service dovecot)
[SUCCESS] Port 5222 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)
[SUCCESS] Port 5269 is reachable from outside.
- Exposing this port is needed for xmpp features (service metronome)
Web (web)
[SUCCESS] Domain maindomain.tld is reachable through HTTP from outside the local network.
Email (mail)
[SUCCESS] The SMTP mail server is able to send emails (outgoing port 25 is not blocked).
[SUCCESS] The SMTP mail server is reachable from the outside and therefore is able to receive emails!
[SUCCESS] Your reverse DNS is correctly configured!
[SUCCESS] The IPs and domains used by this server do not appear to be blacklisted
[SUCCESS] 0 pending emails in the mail queues
Services status check (services)
[SUCCESS] Service dnsmasq is running!
[SUCCESS] Service dovecot is running!
[SUCCESS] Service fail2ban is running!
[SUCCESS] Service metronome is running!
[SUCCESS] Service monitorix is running!
[SUCCESS] Service mysql is running!
[SUCCESS] Service nginx is running!
[SUCCESS] Service php7.3-fpm is running!
[SUCCESS] Service postfix is running!
[SUCCESS] Service redis-server is running!
[SUCCESS] Service rspamd is running!
[SUCCESS] Service slapd is running!
[SUCCESS] Service ssh is running!
[SUCCESS] Service ynh-hotspot is running!
[SUCCESS] Service ynh-vpnclient is running!
[SUCCESS] Service yunohost-api is running!
[SUCCESS] Service yunohost-firewall is running!
[SUCCESS] Service yunomdns is running!
System resources (systemresources)
[SUCCESS] The system still has 7.2 GiB (93%) RAM available out of 7.7 GiB.
[INFO] The system has only 100 MiB swap. You should consider having at least 512 MiB to avoid situations where the system runs out of memory.
- Please be careful and aware that if the server is hosting swap on an SD card or SSD storage, it may drastically reduce the life expectancy of the device`.
[SUCCESS] Storage / (on device /dev/root) still has 102 GiB (96.7%) space left (out of 105 GiB)!
[SUCCESS] Storage /boot (on device /dev/sda1) still has 204 MiB (81%) space left (out of 252 MiB)!
System configurations (regenconf)
Applications (apps)
[SUCCESS] All installed apps respect basic packaging practices
Could we know more info on your setup (which apps, have you installed an app on a the root domain ?, which version, etc.)
Rember that you normally should use the support template…
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