Checking log through Web interface takes forever

It seems that everytime I need to check a particular log in the Admin dashboard, it will take forever, locking the API for other administrative tasks.

For instance, I just installed the Element which exhibited errors during the install process, and tried accessing the particular log from yunohost/admin/#/tools/logs/ … and looking at htop from SSH, I can see:
/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost-api running…

ps -edf f | grep yunohost-api
root         721       1 66 18:45 ?        Rsl    4:19 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/yunohost-api

I’m not sure what to do :-/ Bug or feature ?

Eventually, the processing seems to complete, and the logs are displayed… but this seems really weird, including the fact that this blocks other potentially important admin operations :-/

It’s a known issue.
You can delete old logs to help this.


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