[chatGPT-web] Interface using the OpenAI API

chatGPT-web for YunoHost

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ChatGPT-web is a simple one-page web interface to the OpenAI ChatGPT API. To use it, you need to register for an OpenAI API key first. All messages are stored in your browser’s local storage, so everything is private. You can also close the browser tab and come back later to continue the conversation.


  • Private: All chats and messages are stored in your browser’s local storage, so everything is private.
  • Customizable: You can customize the prompt, the temperature, and other model settings. Multiple models (including GTP-4) are supported.
  • Cheaper: ChatGPT-web uses the commercial OpenAI API, so it’s much cheaper than a ChatGPT Plus subscription.
  • Fast: ChatGPT-web is a single-page web app, so it’s fast and responsive.
  • Mobile-friendly: ChatGPT-web is mobile-friendly, so you can use it on your phone.
  • Voice input: ChatGPT-web supports voice input, so you can talk to ChatGPT. It will also talk back to you.
  • Pre-selected prompts: ChatGPT-web comes with a list of pre-selected prompts, so you can get started quickly.
  • Export: ChatGPT-web can export chats as a Markdown file, so you can share them with others.
  • Code: ChatGPT-web recognizes and highlights code blocks and allows you to copy them with one click.

Shipped version: 2023.05.14~ynh1

Demo: ChatGPT-web

Documentation and resources


I already use it and have added a plugin to the WordPress system.
I also use the paid version because I am often faced with unsolvable tasks like a drenched poodle. And get hardly any support here in the forum. Maybe because I can only speak more German than English. That’s the great thing about ChatGPT, they understand my German and at least me.

Ich nutze das schon und habe mir dazu noch ein Plug-in in das WordPress System eingepflegt.
Zudem nutze ich die Bezahlversion, da ich oft wie ein begossener Pudel vor unlösbaren Aufgaben stehe. Und hier im Forum kaum Unterstützung bekommen. Vielleicht, da ich mehr nur Deutsch wie Englisch kann. Das ist das tolle bei ChatGPT, die versteht mein Deutsch und mich wenigstens. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for your review.
In your opinion, is a mix of the API + this GUI is enough for a few requests here and there or is chatGPT plus a must-have?

Hey Team,

Is there a way to save the API so that we do not need to add it everytime?

There is an issue open with this question upstream: [Request]Setting API key as environment variable in .env file · Issue #87 · Niek/chatgpt-web · GitHub

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Hi Eric, thanks for getting back to me!

The issue seems to be closed already and as far I can see we can only embed it in the URL not inside the settings of the App. Can you confirm that maybe ?
