[Castopod] Hosting platform for podcasters

Castopod for YunoHost

Integration level


Castopod Server is an open-source hosting platform made for podcasters who want engage and interact with their audience. Please note that Castopod is still under heavy development: it may not be 100% stable and some features are still being developed.

Shipped version: 1.0.0 alpha.31






New stable version :tada:

  • 28 February 2021 - #4
    • Upgrade to upstream version 1.0.0 alpha.38
1 Like

New testing version :tada:

  • 15 April 2021 - #14
    • Upgrade to upstream version 1.0.0 alpha.51

How to install:

sudo yunohost app install https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/castopod_ynh/tree/testing

How to upgrade:

sudo yunohost app upgrade castopod -u https://github.com/YunoHost-Apps/castopod_ynh/tree/testing

New stable version :tada:

  • 7 May 2021 - #14
    • Upgrade to upstream version 1.0.0 alpha.55

:warning: Due to significant structural changes in the database, this version may require several manual actions to migrate from alpha 41 to 55 (see Can't access public page and others (seems related to activitypub module) (#115) · Issues · Podlibre / Castopod Host · GitLab)
It is advisable to do a new installation.

I have the problem @ericg adresses in the post above. I upgraded to version
1.0.0-67~ynh1 and my public page for castopod is now displaying the “whoops hit a snag” page.

In the solution listed here:

Yassin Doghri’s answer requires a backup of the castopod instance (which I have made) and also a backup of the RSS file, and Database.

How do I find the RSS file and Database in order to back them up after I ssh into my server?

I looked under /etc/yunohost/apps & I can’t seem to find the correct location of the RSS file or Database. Can someone help point me in the right direction, please?

Hi, i m trying to set up an external drive as main storage for castopod.
I tried with mounting hdd to “/var/www/castopod/public/media” but didn’t works for me.

Anyone did this before?
