Carddav / caldav server

I’m trying to move my contacts from Google to my yunohost server. I tried nextcloud contacts and calendar apps.
What are you using for that?

I used DAViCal pre-Yunohost. Now I use Nextcloud as well.

Hello, I’m using Baikal + Roundcube.

How did you copy your data?
I tried export to vcf and import it, got 1 error (don’t know what’s that error) and no pictures have been imported.
I just found this nextcloud app : Google integration - Apps - App Store - Nextcloud
I 'll try it this weekend.

Hi, I installed baikal but didn’t know how to use it. I’ ll take a look at the documentation.

I also reinstalled horde to try it.

My main usage is to sync up with my phone running android 11.

I also use NextCloud.
I did not migrate the calendars, but I had no problem with contacts (without contact photos)

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I didn’t copy the data myself; I updated the server URL on the client devices, and they synced the information to Nextcloud.

About the pictures I didn’t hear complaints; for my own contacts, only a few have pictures and while they are small, they are larger than I expected (about 0.5 Mpix, up to 800*800-ish).

There is no Google integration, but we use DAVx5 from F-droid to use the information on Android-like OS’s.