What type of hardware are you using: Raspberry Pi 3, 4+
What YunoHost version are you running: 11.3.02
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform specific tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: I installed Kiwix, then uploaded approximately 100 GB of ZIM files, then installed Tiki, then noticed the error. It may have been present before.
Describe your issue
My DDNS is not resolving. Neither my local network DNS nor third-party DNS (, are able to resolve my xxx.noho.st or xxx.nohost.me domain. I tried uninstalling all apps, deleting the first DDNS, then registering a xxx.nohost.me domain, but am getting the same results. Upon attempting to force an update with “yunohost dyndns update --force” via SSH as root, I get the following console message:
Error: The peer didn't know the key we used
Info: The operation 'Update the IP associated with your YunoHost subdomain 'xxx.nohost.me'' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20241111-040345-dyndns_update-xxx.nohost.me' to get help
Error: Could not update IP address to DynDNS
This behavior was identical for both domains. I then went into the Yunohost web admin portal and observed the logs pasted below. I confirmed with my firewall that rules are in place to permit all outbound traffic from my DMZ interface, and the firewall logs show expected outbound traffic. For example, here’s a small snippet of the traffic generated from a yunohost dyndns update – force command. None of it is being blocked:
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:47-05:00 tcp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:45-05:00 udp Allow OPT2 to internet
DMZ 2024-11-10T23:09:44-05:00 tcp Allow OPT2 to internet
What stands out to me is the final line in the linked log: “ERROR - The peer didn’t know the key we used”. I reviewed the docs to see if I’m supposed to preregister for a DDNS account or something similar. No such registration is needed, so I don’t know what key that’s referring to.