Can't update app (Mysql backup failed)

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How are you able to access your server: SSH
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Describe your issue

Hello !!

After solving some space issue on this server, now I’m trying to update application.
But I keep having error while the process start the mysqldump
mysqldump: Couldn’t execute ‘SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE Db = ‘freshrss’’: Unknown error (1105)

The log show 'freshrss", but it’s the same with the others applications.

I’m not comfortable with mysql.
But I tried the same command in PHPmysql, I have the same error without more details.
I didn’t find anything similar in my web search.
There’s a version issue when updating MariaDB from 10.3 to 10.5 with CentOS, but as we are using Debian, I’m not sure if this is the same situation.

Any idea ?

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This is weird.
The backup of Nextcloud works, even if it contains a MySQL backup.

It seems that this SQL backup doesn’t use the same command.

echo 'Backing up the MySQL database...'
Backing up the MySQL database...
+ ynh_mysql_dump_db --database=nextcloud --default_character_set=utf8mb4
+ mysqldump --single-transaction --skip-dump-date --default-character-set=utf8mb4 nextcloud

Is this possible that the command “SHOW FUNCTION STATUS WHERE DB …” is not well-supported by MySQL 10.5 ?

I’m replaying while I’m having idea and doing some test.
I have another instance of Yunohost with the same MySQL version, and I’m able to run the command :


There’s something wrong with MariaDB

Is it possible to reinstall MariaDb without breaking anything ?

I’m not sure if I can just run apt-get install -reinstall so as i plan to reinstall from scratch.
I’ll wait a little bit …