Hardware: VPS bought online YunoHost version: (admin 11.0.11) I have access to my server : Through SSH Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Hi all.
I have moved my yunohost to a new server by doing the clean install on the new VPS and restoring from the backup.
All works except one small thing, I can’t login back to my admin interface.
All passwords are wrong.
I can login by ssh, but when I trying to change the password from ssh I see this:
Error: unable to change admin password : error during LDAP search operation with: base='cn=admin,dc=yunohost,dc=org', filter='(objectClass=*)', attrs=None and exception {'desc': 'No such object', 'matched': 'dc=yunohost,dc=org'}
Could you share which commands you run when you tried to change the password ?
In the bash CLI, passwords must be changed with yunohost user update for a given user or with yunohost tools rootpw. You can append --help to those previous commands to see what values they expect.
And yet you have the admin_legacy user existing on your system, so I’m guessing that you somehow ended up on version 11.1 and somehow forced YunoHost back to 11.0 which is not a good idea and was not advised by any developer around, precisely because that kind of shit may happen
Mokay rereading the context in original post, you restored your old server on a new server, so probably the 11.1 → 11.0 happened during this, and I guess you probably ended up on 11.1 through the infamous “11.1 was incorrectly released on the stable channel rather than testing during a few hours” …
Dunno what to do apart from forcing the new server to upgrade to testing and re-restoring the entire server maybe
Hi there,
I have experienced the same problems after a server upgrade on my end. The only difference is that I’m not running it on a VPS, but on a bare metal server in my basement. I can’t tell if the old system was running on testing, the new one is running on stable:
root@server:# yunohost service status slapd
configuration: valid
description: Stores users, domains and related info
last_state_change: 2023-01-13 14:03:12
start_on_boot: enabled
status: running
I’m afraid of switching to testing as FreeS asked in suggestion #2, I need my tiny server up and running
and I guess you probably ended up on 11.1 through the infamous “11.1 was incorrectly released on the stable channel rather than testing during a few hours”
Looks like I got stung with this as well… I was trying to migrate to a new host but it looks like my old server was incorrectly upgraded to 11.1 . Major bummer. Currently switching the new system to Testing and trying to restore my backup again. Will update with my results.
I would also really like to know how to get off of testing as well.
So it went well enough. Still having an issue with "Migrate to the new ‘multiple admins’ system ". I’m guessing because I’ve already (partially?) migrated?
Migration 0026_new_admins_group did not complete, aborting. Error: error during LDAP search operation with: base=‘cn=admin,dc=yunohost,dc=org’, filter=‘(objectClass=*)’, attrs={‘userPassword’} and exception {‘desc’: ‘No such object’, ‘matched’: ‘dc=yunohost,dc=org’}
As far as I can tell getting off testing is as easy as editing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yunohost.list and removing the testing keyword. I’ve not done this yet as rolling back to 11.0 isn’t really possible, so I’m waiting for 11.1 to be out.
Classic confusion but this does not “remove”/“rollback” you from testing to stable". This only disable upgrading from newer packages that would be shipped on the testing channel
It’s not clear what you’re trying to achieve or what is the context … This was somebody else’s topic initially … Please create a proper new topic and provide a clear explanation of what you are trying to achieve and what is the context …