Can't login into Lychee

My YunoHost server

Hardware: regular computer, amd64
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: lychee 5.0.2~ynh1

Description of my issue

Couldn’t update Lychee to latest version, so I uninstalled and reinstalled it (I had no galleries on it).

Now in version 5.0.2, after having created admin account, I can’t login into: if I click on the icon in the upper left nothing happens.

I reinstalled the app several times (I even installed the testing version trough SSH)

Am I missing something dumb?

Je n’ai pas réussi à mettre à jour Lychee, je l’ai désinstallé et réinstallé.

Maintenant, version 5.0.2, après avoir créé le compte administrateur, je n’arrive pas rentrer: rien ne se passe en cliquant l’icône en haut à gauche, .

J’ai réinstallé l’application plusieurs fois (j’ai même installé la version testing en SSH)

J’ai raté quelque chose ?


J’ai également la même chose, je pense qu’il manque la base de donnée

mais j’ai pas testé depuis, et puis pas sur que le lien entre la base de donnée et lychee se fasse

Si tu as la solution, je veut bien :wink:

Same here; I updated Lychee via yunohost and today I have the same page, can not login and stored pictures are not available.

Lychee: 5.0.2~ynh1
Debian 11.8

opened a Ticket on github

Same problem here. Can’t log in Lychee. I’m on 5.0.3.

Même problème ici, je ne peux m’authentifier sur Lychee sur la version 5.0.3.

Someone has a solution? Quelqu’un a une solution ?

And note that I checked if my database had Lychee’s one created. Updated to 5.1.0 currently.


I’m happy to read this post.
I thought I was the only one with this problem.
I’ve had this issue since a few weeks.
I tried a new installation on another domain name and it was the same problem.

Sorry for my English but I think I need to try to write in this language :blush:

See you soon,

(The loggin default existed before the upgrade to V5)

I have updated to 5.1.1~ynh1 a few minutes ago.
Still the same issue :
Best regards,

If you could provide some logs, it will be very helpful.
Try these steps :

  1. Try a login to lychee (which will fail)
  2. Open the webadmin, go to tools > services > nginx
  3. Look for the log of the domain where lychee is installed finishing with error.
  4. Share its content after hiding any sensitive data.

I have the same problem since v5 came out, no more login possible. Reinstall does not help. In the browser console there are several error messages related to MIME Type mismatch, see screenshot.

Here a related NGINX error log entry:

2024/01/27 11:59:19 [error] 876177#876177: *72082 open() “/var/www/lychee/public/dist/user.css” failed (13: Permission denied), client: 123.45.678.60, server:, request: “GET /lychee/dist/user.css HTTP/2.0”, host: “


I have 2 domains in my YunoHost.
I have uninstalled lychee for one of these a few day ago.
Lychee reinstalled in this domain a few minutes ago.

I tried to acces = OK for the config page.
But fail after trying to access to

I change my domain with “” is my IP for my Box (router for the provider)

I refresh this page to have 2 lines

Here are the logs:

2024/01/27 19:06:56 [error] 36825#36825: *19510 open() "/var/www/lychee__2/public/dist/user.css" failed (13: Permission denied), client:, server:, request: "GET /lychee/dist/user.css HTTP/2.0", host: ""

2024/01/27 19:27:30 [error] 36825#36825: *19743 open() "/var/www/lychee__2/public/dist/user.css" failed (13: Permission denied), client:, server:, request: "GET /lychee/dist/user.css HTTP/2.0", host: ""

I prefer add the result of
ls /var/www/lychee__2/public/dist -lsha | grep user*

4,0K -rw-r-----  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   661 27 janv. 19:02 user.css

ls /var/www/lychee/public/dist -lsha | grep user*

 4,0K -rw-r-----  1 lychee www-data   661 25 janv. 21:57 user.css


I think there is an ownership problem. Here what my working server shows :

4.0K -rw-r----- 1 lychee www-data 661 Jan 27 07:36 user.css

What does
sudo ls /var/www/lychee__2/public/dist -lsha

give? Do other files have different ownership?

Not sure but this could be the one causing errors since $app is not a group

I asked this question in the official Lychee Github issues section and they said it’s really by the side of Yunohost that they broke something. In the doc, there are some pre requisites. Maybe one of them is the cause. I suspect NPM.

Lychee Documentation (


updated yesterday but no better

Only this screen:

I have 2 domains and 2 installations for Lychee.
No one can’t show something ; same screen for both domains

Here are the two lists:

sudo ls /var/www/lychee__2/public/dist -lsha 
total 1,5M
 4,0K drwxrwsr-x  3 lychee__2 lychee__2  4,0K 27 janv. 19:02 .
 4,0K drwxrwx--- 11 lychee__2 www-data   4,0K 27 janv. 19:02 ..
 168K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2  168K 24 janv. 22:12 cat.webp
    0 -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2     0 27 janv. 19:00 custom.js
 4,0K drwxrwsr-x  2 lychee__2 lychee__2  4,0K 24 janv. 22:12 fonts
  92K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   90K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.css
  72K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   69K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.html
1004K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2 1003K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.js
  52K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   51K 24 janv. 22:12 landing.css
 100K -rwxrwsr-x  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   99K 24 janv. 22:12 landing.js
 4,0K -rw-r-----  1 lychee__2 lychee__2   661 27 janv. 19:02 user.css
sudo ls /var/www/lychee/public/dist -lsha 
total 1,5M
 4,0K drwxrwx---  3 lychee www-data  4,0K 24 janv. 22:12 .
 4,0K drwxrwx--- 11 lychee www-data  4,0K 24 janv. 22:12 ..
 168K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data  168K 24 janv. 22:12 cat.webp
    0 -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data     0  1 févr. 17:55 custom.js
 4,0K drwxrwx---  2 lychee www-data  4,0K 24 janv. 22:12 fonts
  92K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data   90K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.css
  72K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data   69K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.html
1004K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data 1003K 24 janv. 22:12 frontend.js
  52K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data   51K 24 janv. 22:12 landing.css
 100K -rw-rw----  1 lychee www-data   99K 24 janv. 22:12 landing.js
 4,0K -rw-r-----  1 lychee www-data   661  1 févr. 17:55 user.css


Is there a way to get back to an old and working version? I was good with 4.X in the end.

Can you try to install it on custom_web_app and see what happens?

It says there are some errors in the URL.

You misunderstood me.
Install my_webapp from the yunohost catalog with sftp access and database.
Login ssh,
change user to my_webapp sudo -i su - my_webapp,
Change current folder
cd www,
Download the release
Unzip it
Check if all files are in the current folder using ls
Head to the url of the app and continue installation

Thanks. The webapp works overall but nothing shows and the files are there.
