Can't load Yunhost Administration after Yunohost update stalled

Since I tried to update my Yunohost-Server I can’t access the Admin-Area anymore. When I click the Admin-Link I see the pacman and get the error message “API is not responding (Error : 0 timeout)”.

At the same time Yunohost is sending me an email very hour that the update is stalled somewhere with the subject “PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin apt-get install yunohost-admin moulinette yunohost-config-nginx ssowat moulinette-yunohost -y && rm -f /etc/cron.d/yunohost-upgrade”

Anything I can do?


It is possible that this is the ldap service that is not working.
The admin user is managed by ldap
In a previous post I suggest before the update to jessie, to create a temporary user in order to avoid this problem.


Thanks for the answer. I did not update Debian to Jessy, I was just updating Yunohost via the web admin interface…

Anything I can do to repair the problem now?

