Hardware: vps on PulseHeberg YunoHost version: I don’t know how to get it, but it is the latest I have access to my server : ssh
Description of my issue
Hello, I installed pgAdmin
I managed to login with user@domain.tld and the password I set during the pgAdmin app installation
However I can’t connect to the yunohost server (this server is added by default after pgAdmin installation)
I tried with the pgAdmin password, with my Yunohost admin password and with the content of /etc/yunohost/psql
The error I keep getting is “connection is bad: definition of service “” not found”
For password, use the one you set in the shell connection in point 1.
It’s not really a fix, it’s a hack, and it’s annoying, but I’ll try to make a ticket in the repository of this app, so hopefully it will get fixed sometime in the future.