Debian 11,
CPU1: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i5-13500 (Cores 20)
Memory: 64125 MB YunoHost version: 11.1.20 I have access to my server : Through SSH… Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
I have installed bookstack via Yunohost.
I also followed the instruction given on how to login bookstack the first time
BookStack uses LDAP authentication by default.
You can switch to standard authentication in the webadmin → bookstack → config panel setting.
For the first time Login with standard authentication, use the default credentials and password. You should change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.
I have tried the above instructions.
2 issues:
once I changed authentication method from ldap to standard,
the bookstack application cannot be launched anymore.
but if I leave it as ldap authentication method, in the login screen, I keyed in user “” with password “password”,
it returns these credentials doesn’t match our records
Yes, the config_panel for authentication doesn’t work…
Can I ask why do you want to switch from LDAP to Standard auth? (Just trying to get the benefit from each auth method)
I am concidering two options:
Remove from the config panel the ability to switch between LDAP/standard auth to support only LDAP auth.
Give at installation the choice between LDAP or Standard. (knowing that you can’t change afterwards)
It doesn’t matter t is LDAP or Standard, I changed to Standard auth because on the notice page it says
For the first time Login with standard authentication, use the default credentials [] and password. You should change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.
It requires me to changed to standard authentication.
Anyway, I tried using this credential logging in under LDAP authentication, still it says "credentials doesn’t match our records.
But if I changed to “Standard Authentication”, the bookstack application can’t be launched anymore, need to uninstall and reinstall
I just want to login successfully to start using the app,