Cannot login to bookstack

My YunoHost server

Debian 11,
CPU1: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i5-13500 (Cores 20)
Memory: 64125 MB
YunoHost version: 11.1.20
I have access to my server : Through SSH…
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no


I have installed bookstack via Yunohost.

I also followed the instruction given on how to login bookstack the first time

BookStack uses LDAP authentication by default.

You can switch to standard authentication in the webadmin → bookstack → config panel setting.

For the first time Login with standard authentication, use the default credentials and password. You should change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.

I have tried the above instructions.

2 issues:

  1. once I changed authentication method from ldap to standard,
    the bookstack application cannot be launched anymore.

  2. but if I leave it as ldap authentication method, in the login screen, I keyed in user “” with password “password”,

it returns these credentials doesn’t match our records

please help, thank

Yes, the config_panel for authentication doesn’t work…
Can I ask why do you want to switch from LDAP to Standard auth? (Just trying to get the benefit from each auth method)

I am concidering two options:

  1. Remove from the config panel the ability to switch between LDAP/standard auth to support only LDAP auth.

  2. Give at installation the choice between LDAP or Standard. (knowing that you can’t change afterwards)

Thank you ericg for the reply.

It doesn’t matter t is LDAP or Standard, I changed to Standard auth because on the notice page it says

For the first time Login with standard authentication, use the default credentials [] and password. You should change these details immediately after logging in for the first time.

It requires me to changed to standard authentication.

Anyway, I tried using this credential logging in under LDAP authentication, still it says "credentials doesn’t match our records.

But if I changed to “Standard Authentication”, the bookstack application can’t be launched anymore, need to uninstall and reinstall

I just want to login successfully to start using the app,

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