Cannot log in in JupyterHub

What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer
What YunoHost version are you running: YunoHost: 12.0.4 (testing)
What app is this about: Jupyterhub/lab

Describe your issue

Well, it seems that Jupyterhub does not keep any log. I’m not sure what to say to describe my login issue: I tried to create new users, I cannot log with them. I reinstall Jupyter, created new users, does not help: every time the issue is the same: “Invalid username or password”.

Jupyterhub: 4.2.4~ynh1

Share relevant logs or error messages

It seems that Jupyterhub does not keep any log by default, but it’s possible to activate it if you think it’ll help.

Ok, here are the service logs:

Sep 29 10:58:19 jupyterhub[149535]: [W 2024-09-29 10:58:19.558 JupyterHub auth:724] User 'lejocelyn_admin' not allowed.
Sep 29 10:58:19 jupyterhub[149535]: [W 2024-09-29 10:58:19.558 JupyterHub base:979] Failed login for lejocelyn_admin
Sep 29 10:58:19 jupyterhub[149535]: [I 2024-09-29 10:58:19.559 JupyterHub log:192] 200 POST /jupyterlab/hub/login?next=%2Fjupyterlab%2Fhub%2F (@2a04:ee41:81:6f0:5cb8:306e:f347:3919) 287.16ms

Of course, according to the Jupyterlab settings, the user lejocelyn_admin is allowed.

The error has definitely to do with LDAP, and its relationship with JupyterHub…

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