Cannot install OpenVPN

OpenVPN installation is not working. Please help. Here is the log:

Choose a domain for OpenVPN (default:
Choose a path for OpenVPN (default: /openvpn): /
If your server has an other public ip than the main one, you can use it to make openvpn listen on all ports. It could be useful with some crazy/blocked internet access. Leave empty if it's not needed (default: ): 
If you have several public IPv4 and you want to provide VPN compatibles for self-hosting (VPN associated to a public IP address), list here public IPv4 range to attribute to VPN clients (seperated by space) (default: ): 
Executing script '/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/openvpn_ynh-master/scripts/install'...
+ source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
+++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem
+++ CAN_BIND=1
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
+++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/system ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/system
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
+ source
+++ cd ../
+++ pwd
++ PKG_DIR=/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/openvpn_ynh-master
+ ynh_trap_on
+ set -eu
+ trap ynh_exit_properly EXIT
+ export app=openvpn
+ app=openvpn
+ export user=openvpn
+ user=openvpn
+ export webuser=openvpnweb
+ webuser=openvpnweb
+ ynh_export domain path ip4ranges dedicated_ip
+ local ynh_arg=
+ for var in '$@'
++ awk '{print toupper($0)}'
++ echo domain
+ ynh_arg=DOMAIN
+ export
+ for var in '$@'
++ awk '{print toupper($0)}'
++ echo path
+ ynh_arg=PATH
+ ynh_arg=YNH_APP_ARG_PATH
+ export path=/
+ path=/
+ for var in '$@'
++ awk '{print toupper($0)}'
++ echo ip4ranges
+ ynh_arg=IP4RANGES
+ export ip4ranges=
+ ip4ranges=
+ for var in '$@'
++ awk '{print toupper($0)}'
++ echo dedicated_ip
+ ynh_arg=DEDICATED_IP
+ export dedicated_ip=
+ dedicated_ip=
+ ynh_find_port 1194
+ port=1194
+ test -n 1194
+ netcat -z 1194
+ echo 1194
+ export port=1194
+ port=1194
+ export local_path=/var/www/openvpn
+ local_path=/var/www/openvpn
++ awk '/default/ { print $5 }'
++ ip r
+ export iface=eth0
+ iface=eth0
+ ynh_check_var openvpn 'app name not set'
+ test -n openvpn
+ ynh_normalize_url_path /
+ path=/
+ test -n /
+ '[' / '!=' / ']'
+ '[' / == / ']'
+ '[' 1 -gt 1 ']'
+ echo /
+ ynh_path_validity
+ sudo yunohost app checkurl -a openvpn
Warning: 'yunohost app checkurl' is deprecated and will be removed in the future
+ ynh_local_path_available /var/www/openvpn
+ '[' -e /var/www/openvpn ']'
+ check_iptables
+ sudo iptables -L
+ check_tun_available
+ return 0
+ check_ip4ranges
+ _255='(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?)'
+ ip4regex='((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?)'
+ rangeip4regex='((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[1-9]))?'
+ regex='((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[1-9]))?([[:space:]]+((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9][0-9]?)(/(3[0-2]|[1-2][0-9]|[1-9]))?)*'
++ ynh_exit_properly
++ exit_code=1
++ '[' 1 -eq 0 ']'
++ trap '' EXIT
++ set +eu
++ echo -e '\e[91m \e[1m'
++ err 'openvpn script has encountered an error.'
++ log '[ERR] openvpn script has encountered an error.'
++ echo '[ERR] openvpn script has encountered an error.'
[ERR] openvpn script has encountered an error.
++ type -t CLEAN_SETUP
++ ynh_die
++ echo ''
++ exit 1
Warning: line 47: $1: unbound variable
Executing script '/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/openvpn_ynh-master/scripts/remove'...
+ source /usr/share/yunohost/helpers
+++ run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/backend
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/filesystem
+++ CAN_BIND=1
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/ip
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/mysql
+++ MYSQL_ROOT_PWD_FILE=/etc/yunohost/mysql
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/network
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/package
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/print
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/setting
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/string
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/system ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/system
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/user
++ for helper in '$(run-parts --list /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d 2>/dev/null)'
++ '[' -r /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils ']'
++ . /usr/share/yunohost/helpers.d/utils
+ source
+++ cd ../
+++ pwd
++ PKG_DIR=/var/cache/yunohost/from_file/openvpn_ynh-master
+ app=openvpn
+ user=openvpn
+ webuser=openvpnweb
++ ynh_app_setting_get openvpn local_path
++ sudo yunohost app setting openvpn local_path --output-as plain --quiet
+ local_path=
++ sudo yunohost app setting openvpn domain
+ sudo service openvpn stop
Warning: Failed to stop openvpn.service: Unit openvpn.service not loaded.
+ sudo rm -f '/etc/yunohost/hooks.d/post_iptable_rules/*openvpn'
+ sudo yunohost firewall disallow UDP 1194
+ rm_firewall_rules
+ configure_firewall D
++ tr ' ' '\n'
++ ynh_app_setting_get openvpn ip4ranges
++ sudo yunohost app setting openvpn ip4ranges --output-as plain --quiet
+ ip4ranges=
++ ynh_app_setting_get openvpn iface
++ sudo yunohost app setting openvpn iface --output-as plain --quiet
+ iface=
+ sudo iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -i '' -o tun0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Warning: iptables v1.4.21: Empty interface is likely to be undesired
Warning: Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information.
+ sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=0
net.ipv4.ip_forward = 0
+ sudo yunohost service remove openvpn
Warning: Unknown service 'openvpn'
+ sudo rm -rf /etc/openvpn/yunohost.conf /etc/openvpn/auth /etc/openvpn/ta.key /etc/openvpn/users /etc/openvpn/ /etc/openvpn/ip4_attribution.csv /etc/sysctl.d/openvpn.conf
+ sudo rm -rf /var/log/openvpn
+ ynh_secure_rm ''
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ '' ]]
+ ynh_secure_rm /etc/yunohost/certs/
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ /etc/yunohost/certs/ ]]
+ test -n /etc/yunohost/certs/
+ sudo rm -Rf /etc/yunohost/certs/
+ ynh_secure_rm /etc/nginx/conf.d/
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ /etc/nginx/conf.d/ ]]
+ test -n /etc/nginx/conf.d/
+ sudo rm -Rf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
+ ynh_secure_rm /etc/logrotate.d/openvpn.conf
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ /etc/logrotate.d/openvpn.conf ]]
+ test -n /etc/logrotate.d/openvpn.conf
+ sudo rm -Rf /etc/logrotate.d/openvpn.conf
+ ynh_secure_rm /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/openvpn.conf
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/openvpn.conf ]]
+ test -n /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/openvpn.conf
+ sudo rm -Rf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/openvpn.conf
+ ynh_secure_rm /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/openvpn.conf
+ [[ /var/www /opt /home/ =~ /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/openvpn.conf ]]
+ test -n /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/openvpn.conf
+ sudo rm -Rf /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/openvpn.conf
+ ynh_rm_nginx_conf
+ '[' -e /etc/nginx/conf.d/ ']'
+ ynh_rm_php_fpm_conf
+ '[' -e /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/openvpn.conf ']'
+ '[' -e /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-openvpn.ini ']'
+ sudo service php5-fpm reload
+ ynh_system_user_delete openvpn
+ ynh_system_user_exists openvpn
+ getent passwd openvpn
+ echo 'The user openvpn was not found'
+ ynh_system_user_delete openvpnweb
+ ynh_system_user_exists openvpnweb
+ getent passwd openvpnweb
Warning: The user openvpn was not found
+ echo 'The user openvpnweb was not found'
+ dep_app=openvpn
+ ynh_package_remove openvpn-ynh-deps
+ ynh_apt remove openvpn-ynh-deps
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
+ sudo apt-get -y -qq remove openvpn-ynh-deps
Warning: The user openvpnweb was not found
Warning: E: Unable to locate package openvpn-ynh-deps
+ sudo yunohost app ssowatconf
The SSOwat configuration has been generated
Success! The SSOwat configuration has been generated
Error: Installation failed

Can you run sudo yunohost app install --debug?

Unfortunately yes, and it’s a known issue since the app is flagged as ‘notworking’ on the community list :confused: … We can’t provide much help, except telling to work on the app yourself or finding / hoping someone will…

So is there any alternatives to OpenVPN that supports YunoHost?

What are you trying to achieve ? Are you willing to serve VPNs, or to use VPN ? If you want to use VPNs, then you should look at vpnclient_ynh. Otherwise, no, there doesn’t seem to be any app to serve VPN currently operational.

You can see this post Installation tips for installation of OpenVpn on YunoHost to install the openVpn.
If the latest commit don’t work for you,try previous commits and see if that works for you.

1 Like

Already tried to follow this post… no luck.

Try previous commits.

How can I go between commits with the git url that I put in YunoHost?

Try this

It’s generating a DH parameters, 4096 bit long safe prime, generator 2 for about 10 minutes…

It takes time depending on your configuration. You can abort it by ctl-c if it take longer then you expected.

Previous numbers took about 5-6 minutes. I’m using the 5$ vultr compute unit.

Now installed successfully but I can’t connect to the VPN.