Hardware: Old laptop or computer YunoHost version: (stable) I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | β¦ (all of it) Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : yes If yes, please explain: The only tweak I did was to add /var/www/pelican/content as an External Mount on Nextcloud following this comment and referring to the pelican-themes and pelican-plugins in my home directory. If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: pelican 4.9.1~ynh1
Description of my issue
A permission issue that I fixed myself, while writing this. Keeping it here in case anyone else uses folders for categories in Pelican and gets permission issues.
If I check systemctl status pelican.service and journalctl --unit pelican.service there is a lot of:
WARNING Cannot get modification stamp for /var/www/pelican/content/{$category_dir}/{$file}
[Errno 13] Permission denied: /var/www/pelican/content/{$category_dir}/{$file}
ERROR Could not process /var/www/pelican/content/{$category_dir}/{$file}
It then ends with (for reference, there should be >400 articles):
Done: Processed 1 article, 0 drafts, 0 hidden articles, 0 pages, 0 hidden pages
Dec 28 21:47:58 monolith.wheremymonkeyis.at pelican[204458]: and 0 draft pages in 1.26 seconds.
I get the same issue if I run /var/www/pelican/venv/bin/pelican /var/www/pelican/content from the shell.
In addition to that, on Nextcloud I can see the files in the /var/www/pelican/content mountpoint, but if I click on one I get an error claiming that the file does not exist.
I actually solved this issue myself while writing it, so I went ahead and recorded it regardless, together with the solution, in case anyone else runs into the same problem.
[β¦] the category can be determined by the directory in which the file resides. For example, a file located at python/foobar/myfoobar.rst will have a category of foobar. If you would like to organize your files in other ways where the name of the subfolder would not be a good category name, you can set the setting USE_FOLDER_AS_CATEGORY to False.
The full solution for me therefore was as follows.
It is heavily borrowed from this post and assuming Fish shell, as I much prefer scripting in that:
sudo -s
cd /var/www/pelican
# Make sure the whole Pelican home / work directory is owned by group `pelican`
chown --recursive pelican:pelican .
# Add `nextcloud` and `www-data` users to the group `pelican`
usermod --append --groups pelican nextcloud
usermod --append --groups pelican www-data
# Force all (sub)folders created by Nextcloud to inherit the group `pelican`
chmod g+s content
# Authorise users `nextcloud` (and `www-data`) to write in `content/` folder
chmod 770 content # a.k.a. ug+rwx
chmod --recursive 660 content/* # a.k.a. ug+rw
for folder in (find content/ -type d) # find all (sub)folders within `content/`
chmod 770 $folder # a.k.a. ug+rwx
# Restart nginx (only needed the first time)
systemctl restart nginx
# Restart PHP (only needed the first time)
systemctl restart php8.2-fpm
NB: php8.2-fpm could be of different version on your machine.