Cannot continue with Prestashop: Asking to delete /install folder

Says this during first install:

"For security reasons, you cannot connect to the back office until you have deleted the /install folder

[Please then access this page by the new URL (e.g."

I looked around online and I’m still confused by this. I’m using YunoHost on my VPS (Vultr), I have a domain up and running. I also have phpmyadmin setup as well, which is working fine. I can’t access my back office front office until I delete the /install folder (and possibly rename the /admin folder to something like admin047). I couldn’t grab any logs unfortunately. Where is this folder located on YunoHost?

Try sudo yunohost app shell prestashop and look inside the current folder


It worked! Thank you :smiley:

I have one more issue. I can access the admin page just fine, but when I try to view my Front Store ( it just says this:

Maybe the PHP version is out of date on YunoHost? ← It could be something else, this is a fresh setup of PrestaShop.

Really not sure how to debug this since I don’t use this app but you can check the console of the browser to see what errors happened and share them here

I solved the same issue by enabling SSL in prestashop parameters

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That worked! Thank you so much!

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Thank you for your investigations! I have pushed an update post-install instructions for the app’s next release. :slight_smile:


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