Cannot change Nextcloud password, locked out, cannot reset either

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version: 11.0.11
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: Nextcloud 25.0.3~ynh1

Description of my issue

I changed my yunohost user password. I was never able to login to Nextcloud directly but always had to login. I used the same password. The old password does not work on Nextcloud, neither does the new Yunohost password I just set.

I tried changing it through the commandline occ , but is just gives me an error.

sudo -u nextcloud php --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ user:resetpassword admin
Enter a new password: 
Confirm the new password: 
Error while resetting password!

So now I can’t reset, it’s not sending me ’ forgot password’ reset mails either. And Nextcloud decided there were too many failed attempts from my network (ip I assume), so …

How can I reset the password?
How can I reset /whitelist my ip for Nextcloud? (it’s already whitelisted for fail2ban)

All right it looks like I kind of helped myself here.
Except that it is

sudo yunohost update user [username] -p

and to reset the ip that nextcloud excluded:

sudo -u nextcloud php --define apc.enable_cli=1 occ security:bruteforce:reset []

This stuff gives me heart attacks.

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