Cannot add "overleaf" tag to new topic in Support apps section

I’m trying to post an issue on overleaf in the Support apps section, but I’m unable to add the overleaf tag (“no matches found”). It must exist though, since I do find the tag if I search in existing discussions.

Welcome here :wave:

I’ve just added it on top of this thread :slight_smile:

That’s nice of you, but it was not my problem. I want to post a real issue related to the app Overleaf in the section Support apps, and to be able to do that the forum requires me to specify two tags, a language tag and an app tag. I can add the language tag, but not the app tag for overleaf.

An update on my previous post: I thought I’de be smart and create a topic in the Discussion section, add the overleaf tag, and then change the section to Support apps. That threw up an error, however:

An error occurred: You must include at least 1 Applications tag. The tags in this group are: nextcloud, wallabag2, shaarli, peertube, mastodon, piwigo, phpmyadmin, borg, roundcube, galene, _others, 20euros, 243, abantecart, adguard, adhocserver, adminer, aeneria, agendav, agora, airsonic, alltube, ampache, anarchism, anfora, archivist, armadietto, askbot, backdrop, baikal, beehive, bibliogram, biboumi, bicbucstriim, blogotext, bludit, bolt, bookstack, borgserver, bozon, cachet, calibreweb, castopod, cesium, cheky, chtickynotes, chuwiki, civicrm_drupal7, cockpit, code-server, codepad, codimd, coin, collabora, collaboradocker, concrete5, converse, cops, coquelicot, coturn, couchdb, couchpotato, covoiturage, cowyo, cryptpad, cubiks-2048, dato, democracyos, dendrite, diagramsnet, diaspora, diasporadocker, discourse, dispatch, distbin, django-for-runners, django_app, django_ynh, docker-registry, dockercontainer, dockerrstudio, dockerui, dokuwiki, dolibarr, domoticz, dotclear2, droppy, drupal, drupal7, duniter, dynette, element, emailpoubelle, encryptic, epicyon, ethercalc, etherpad_mypads, facette, facilmap, fallback, ffsync, firefly-iii, flarum, flask, flood, fluxbb, focalboard, foodsoft, framaestro, framaestro_hub, framaforms, framagames, freeboard, freepbx, freshrss, friendica, ftp_webapp, ftssolr, funkwhale, galette, garradin, gateone, gekko, gemserv, ghost, gitea, gitlab, gitlab-runner, gitolite, gitrepositories, gitweb, glitchsoc, glowingbear, glpi, gnusocial, gogs, gogswebhost, gollum, gotify, grafana, grammalecte, grav, grocy, guacamole, h5ai, halcyon, haste, headphones, hedgedoc, hextris, homeassistant, horde, hotspot, htmltool, htpc-manager, hubzilla, huginn, humhub, icecoder, ihatemoney, internetarchive, invidious, invoiceninja, jackett, jappix, jappix_mini, jeedom, jellyfin, jenkins, jirafeau, jitsi, joomla, jupyterlab, kanboard, keeweb, kimai2, kiwiirc, kodi, komga, kresus, languagetool, laverna, lbcalerte, leed, lektor, lemmy, libreerp, librephotos, librespeed, libreto, lidarr, limesurvey, linuxdash, lionwiki-t2t, lstu, luckysheet, lufi, lutim, lxd, lychee, mailman, mailman3, mantis, matomo, matterbridge, mattermost, mautrix_facebook, mautrix_signal, mautrix_whatsapp, mediadrop, mediawiki, medusa, meilisearch, menu, metabase, minchat, mindmaps, minetest, mineweb, minidlna, miniflux, misskey, mobilizon, modernpaste, monica, monit, monitorix, moodle, mopidy, mosquitto, movim, multi_webapp, mumble-web, mumble_admin_plugin, mumbleserver, munin, my-mind, my_capsule, my_webapp, mycryptochat, mygpo, mytinytodo, navidrome, netdata, neutrinet, nexusoss, nitter, noalyss, nodebb, nodered, ntopng, nullboard, ofbiz, omeka-s, onlyoffice, openidsimplesamlphp, opennote, openproject, opensondage, opentracker, osada, osjs, osmw, osticket, owncast, owncloud, owntracks, pagure, peertube-search-inde, pelican, pepettes, petitesannonces, petrolette, pgadmin, photonix, photoview, phpbb, phpboost, phpinfo, phpipam, phpldapadmin, phplicensewatcher, phpservermon, phpsysinfo, pia, pihole, piratebox, pixelfed, pleroma, plonecms, plume, pluxml, portainer, prestashop, prettynoemiecms, privatebin, proftpd, prometheus, psitransfer, pterodactyl, pufferpanel, pydio, pyinventory, pyload, qr, question2answer, radarr, radicale, rainloop, redirect, redmine, reel2bits, remotestorage, restic, retroarch, riot, roadiz, rocketchat, rspamdui, rss-bridge, rutorrent, sat, scm, scratch, scrumblr, seafile, searx, seenthis, shadowsocks, shellinabox, shinken, shsd, shuri, sickbeard, sickrage, simpad, simple-torrent, slingcode, snipeit, snserver, snweb, sogo, sonarr, sonerezh, spftoolbox, sphinx, spip, squid3, ssh_chroot_dir, staticwebapp, streama, strut, studs, subscribe, subsonic, svgedit, sympa, synapse, synapse-admin, syncthing, tagspaces, tailoredflow, teampass, telegram_chatbot, tes3mp, thelounge, tiddlywiki, timeoff, torclient, torrelay, transmission, transpay, transwhat, trilium, ttrss, turtl, tutao, tvheadend, tyto, ulogger, umap, ums, unattended_upgrades, unbound, vaultwarden, veloren, vikunja, vpnclient, vpnserver, weblate, webmin, webogram, webtrees, wekan, wemawema, wetty, whitebophir, wifiwithme, wikijs, wildfly, wireguard, wisemapping, wordpress, writefreely, yacy, yellow, yeswiki, yourls, youtube-dl-webui, yunofav, yunomonitor, yunorunner, z-push, zabbix, zap, zerobin, zeronet, zomburl, ztncui, zusam, zerotier, caliopen, pilea, plainpad, easyappointments, elabftw, bazarr, photoprism, paheko, elasticsearch, opensearch, tiki, baïkal, conduit, element-call.

Note the absence of overleaf in this list of available tags.

Strange… if you want, remove the overleaf tag and try with _others