I’m trying to post an issue on overleaf in the Support apps section, but I’m unable to add the overleaf tag (“no matches found”). It must exist though, since I do find the tag if I search in existing discussions.
Welcome here
I’ve just added it on top of this thread
That’s nice of you, but it was not my problem. I want to post a real issue related to the app Overleaf in the section Support apps, and to be able to do that the forum requires me to specify two tags, a language tag and an app tag. I can add the language tag, but not the app tag for overleaf.
An update on my previous post: I thought I’de be smart and create a topic in the Discussion section, add the overleaf tag, and then change the section to Support apps. That threw up an error, however:
An error occurred: You must include at least 1 Applications tag. The tags in this group are: nextcloud, wallabag2, shaarli, peertube, mastodon, piwigo, phpmyadmin, borg, roundcube, galene, _others, 20euros, 243, abantecart, adguard, adhocserver, adminer, aeneria, agendav, agora, airsonic, alltube, ampache, anarchism, anfora, archivist, armadietto, askbot, backdrop, baikal, beehive, bibliogram, biboumi, bicbucstriim, blogotext, bludit, bolt, bookstack, borgserver, bozon, cachet, calibreweb, castopod, cesium, cheky, chtickynotes, chuwiki, civicrm_drupal7, cockpit, code-server, codepad, codimd, coin, collabora, collaboradocker, concrete5, converse, cops, coquelicot, coturn, couchdb, couchpotato, covoiturage, cowyo, cryptpad, cubiks-2048, dato, democracyos, dendrite, diagramsnet, diaspora, diasporadocker, discourse, dispatch, distbin, django-for-runners, django_app, django_ynh, docker-registry, dockercontainer, dockerrstudio, dockerui, dokuwiki, dolibarr, domoticz, dotclear2, droppy, drupal, drupal7, duniter, dynette, element, emailpoubelle, encryptic, epicyon, ethercalc, etherpad_mypads, facette, facilmap, fallback, ffsync, firefly-iii, flarum, flask, flood, fluxbb, focalboard, foodsoft, framaestro, framaestro_hub, framaforms, framagames, freeboard, freepbx, freshrss, friendica, ftp_webapp, ftssolr, funkwhale, galette, garradin, gateone, gekko, gemserv, ghost, gitea, gitlab, gitlab-runner, gitolite, gitrepositories, gitweb, glitchsoc, glowingbear, glpi, gnusocial, gogs, gogswebhost, gollum, gotify, grafana, grammalecte, grav, grocy, guacamole, h5ai, halcyon, haste, headphones, hedgedoc, hextris, homeassistant, horde, hotspot, htmltool, htpc-manager, hubzilla, huginn, humhub, icecoder, ihatemoney, internetarchive, invidious, invoiceninja, jackett, jappix, jappix_mini, jeedom, jellyfin, jenkins, jirafeau, jitsi, joomla, jupyterlab, kanboard, keeweb, kimai2, kiwiirc, kodi, komga, kresus, languagetool, laverna, lbcalerte, leed, lektor, lemmy, libreerp, librephotos, librespeed, libreto, lidarr, limesurvey, linuxdash, lionwiki-t2t, lstu, luckysheet, lufi, lutim, lxd, lychee, mailman, mailman3, mantis, matomo, matterbridge, mattermost, mautrix_facebook, mautrix_signal, mautrix_whatsapp, mediadrop, mediawiki, medusa, meilisearch, menu, metabase, minchat, mindmaps, minetest, mineweb, minidlna, miniflux, misskey, mobilizon, modernpaste, monica, monit, monitorix, moodle, mopidy, mosquitto, movim, multi_webapp, mumble-web, mumble_admin_plugin, mumbleserver, munin, my-mind, my_capsule, my_webapp, mycryptochat, mygpo, mytinytodo, navidrome, netdata, neutrinet, nexusoss, nitter, noalyss, nodebb, nodered, ntopng, nullboard, ofbiz, omeka-s, onlyoffice, openidsimplesamlphp, opennote, openproject, opensondage, opentracker, osada, osjs, osmw, osticket, owncast, owncloud, owntracks, pagure, peertube-search-inde, pelican, pepettes, petitesannonces, petrolette, pgadmin, photonix, photoview, phpbb, phpboost, phpinfo, phpipam, phpldapadmin, phplicensewatcher, phpservermon, phpsysinfo, pia, pihole, piratebox, pixelfed, pleroma, plonecms, plume, pluxml, portainer, prestashop, prettynoemiecms, privatebin, proftpd, prometheus, psitransfer, pterodactyl, pufferpanel, pydio, pyinventory, pyload, qr, question2answer, radarr, radicale, rainloop, redirect, redmine, reel2bits, remotestorage, restic, retroarch, riot, roadiz, rocketchat, rspamdui, rss-bridge, rutorrent, sat, scm, scratch, scrumblr, seafile, searx, seenthis, shadowsocks, shellinabox, shinken, shsd, shuri, sickbeard, sickrage, simpad, simple-torrent, slingcode, snipeit, snserver, snweb, sogo, sonarr, sonerezh, spftoolbox, sphinx, spip, squid3, ssh_chroot_dir, staticwebapp, streama, strut, studs, subscribe, subsonic, svgedit, sympa, synapse, synapse-admin, syncthing, tagspaces, tailoredflow, teampass, telegram_chatbot, tes3mp, thelounge, tiddlywiki, timeoff, torclient, torrelay, transmission, transpay, transwhat, trilium, ttrss, turtl, tutao, tvheadend, tyto, ulogger, umap, ums, unattended_upgrades, unbound, vaultwarden, veloren, vikunja, vpnclient, vpnserver, weblate, webmin, webogram, webtrees, wekan, wemawema, wetty, whitebophir, wifiwithme, wikijs, wildfly, wireguard, wisemapping, wordpress, writefreely, yacy, yellow, yeswiki, yourls, youtube-dl-webui, yunofav, yunomonitor, yunorunner, z-push, zabbix, zap, zerobin, zeronet, zomburl, ztncui, zusam, zerotier, caliopen, pilea, plainpad, easyappointments, elabftw, bazarr, photoprism, paheko, elasticsearch, opensearch, tiki, baïkal, conduit, element-call.
Note the absence of overleaf in this list of available tags.
Strange… if you want, remove the overleaf tag and try with _others