Cannot access to my server after install (no ip address)

That will be an issue down the line I guess, if you want to log in from outside your local network. You may need to have your YunoHost server or NAS proxy for the other.
Anyways, that is not your main issue right now.

I could not access the page https://yunohost.local , nor the address ,

  • For yunohost.local, that’s weird, but mDNS is weird anyways.
  • For that would be valid if you were using a browser on the server itself. However YunoHost is GUI-less by default. (INB4 the Padme meme: “You have not tried to install a desktop environment on YunoHost, right?”)

Let’s try and find out your server IP with ip a. What’s the output of this command? (My guess is that it is somehow not assigned an IP by your DHCP)
If there is no IP, show the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces, ls /etc/network/interfaces.d/ and cat /etc/network/interfaces.d/*

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