Mes serveurs YunoHost
A Distant
Matériel: Serveur Dédié acheté en ligne
Version de YunoHost:
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : oui
diverses, mais dans les règles
B Home
Matériel: Ordinateur auto-hébergé
Version de YunoHost:
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin | clavier et souris (si vraiment besoin )
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non
Description du problème
Sur le serveur A, il a deux sauvegardes effectuées avec 2 app Borg Backup quotidiennement. Une première avec borg
distante vers le serveur B, une seconde avec borg__2
locale sur une partition interne au serveur.
Il se trouve que le seveur B (autohébergée chez moi) a été victime d’une coupure de courant le 17/02 au soir et interrompu pendant plusieurs heures (je m’en suis rendu compte le lendemain…).
Ensuite l’ai tenté de relancé le services borg__2
le 18/02, mais j’ai eu des erreurs de sauvegardes de nouveau…
Et même pire, puisque la sauvegarde locale aussi a eu des erreurs !
Un problème qui m’arrive, quand je lance un yunohost service restart borg__2
la console reste longtemps comme en attente.
À un moment j’ai cru bon de lancer cette commande dans un screen. Si je laisse ainsi et que j’essaie de lancer à ĉôté une commande yunohost
, j’ai un message qui me dit que doit attendre qu’une autre commande yunohost
s’exécute, souvent j’interromps dans ce cas.
Finalement, je me rends compte que si après la commande yunohost service restart borg
je fais un Ctl+C
, le service a bien redémarré tout de même…
De plus, je n’avait pas realisé que les 2 services borg
et borg__2
s’étaient interrompus, donc pas de sauvegardes non plus du 19/02…
Je dois absolument résoudre ces problèmes de backup. Je viens de relancer les 2 services…
Messages de backup miserably failed:
Premier message du 17/02 pour le backup distant
The backup miserably failed to backup system configurations.
The backup miserably failed to backup system data.
The backup miserably failed to backup borg application.
The backup miserably failed to backup borg__2 application.
The backup miserably failed to backup coturn application.
The backup miserably failed to backup cryptpad application.
The backup miserably failed to backup etherpad_mypads application.
The backup miserably failed to backup gitea application.
The backup miserably failed to backup grav application.
The backup miserably failed to backup grav__2 application.
The backup miserably failed to backup libreto application.
The backup miserably failed to backup mattermost application.
The backup miserably failed to backup mobilizon application.
The backup miserably failed to backup my_webapp application.
The backup miserably failed to backup nextcloud application.
The backup miserably failed to backup onlyoffice application.
The backup miserably failed to backup opensondage application.
The backup miserably failed to backup paheko application.
The backup miserably failed to backup paheko__2 application.
The backup miserably failed to backup phpmyadmin application.
The backup miserably failed to backup redirect application.
The backup miserably failed to backup redirect__2 application.
The backup miserably failed to backup roundcube application.
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.5MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030002-backup_create' to get help
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 380.0MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030011-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for borg...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 113.2KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030022-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for borg__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 104.6KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030028-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for coturn...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for coturn. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 154.1KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030033-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for cryptpad...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for cryptpad. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 957.0MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030039-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for etherpad_mypads...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for etherpad_mypads. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 404.8MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030045-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for gitea...
Loading installation settings...
Backing up code...
Backing up user data...
Backing up configuration...
Backing up logs...
Backing up database
Backup script completed for gitea. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 111.7MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030051-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for grav...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.1GB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030057-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for grav__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.8GB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030102-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for libreto...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for libreto. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 28.1MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030108-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for mattermost...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for mattermost. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 672.4MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030114-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for mobilizon...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for mobilizon. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 551.7MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030120-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for my_webapp...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for my_webapp. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 480.0MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030126-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for nextcloud...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backing up data directory...
Backup script completed for nextcloud. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 9.3GB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030132-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for onlyoffice...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for onlyoffice. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 457.0KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030139-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for opensondage...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for opensondage. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 15.5MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030145-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 150.8MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030151-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1022.9MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030156-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for phpmyadmin...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for phpmyadmin. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 52.1MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030202-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 59.9KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030207-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect__2...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 60.0KB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030212-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for roundcube...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for roundcube. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 46.7MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230217-030218-backup_create' to get help
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Source path '/root/.ssh/id_borg__2_ed25519' does not exist
Source path '/root/.ssh/' does not exist
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
It's hightly recommended to make your backup when the service is stopped. Please stop gitea service and with this command before to run the backup 'systemctl stop gitea.service'
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: ssh: connect to host domainB.tld port XXXX: No route to host
Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
message du 18/02 à 16:23 pour la sauvegarde distants vers B
The backup miserably failed to backup nextcloud application.
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_conf
name: auto_conf
conf_ldap: Success
conf_manually_modified_files: Success
conf_ynh_certs: Success
conf_ynh_settings: Success
size: 2635047
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 642.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_data
name: auto_data
data_home: Success
data_mail: Success
data_multimedia: Success
data_xmpp: Success
size: 673727496
Collecting files to be backed up for borg...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 113.2KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg
name: auto_borg
borg: Success
size: 115881
Collecting files to be backed up for borg__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 104.6KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg__2
name: auto_borg__2
borg__2: Success
size: 107080
Collecting files to be backed up for coturn...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for coturn. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 154.1KB of data.
Backup created: auto_coturn
name: auto_coturn
coturn: Success
size: 157780
Collecting files to be backed up for cryptpad...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for cryptpad. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 957.0MB of data.
Backup created: auto_cryptpad
name: auto_cryptpad
cryptpad: Success
size: 1003483060
Collecting files to be backed up for etherpad_mypads...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for etherpad_mypads. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 405.0MB of data.
Backup created: auto_etherpad_mypads
name: auto_etherpad_mypads
etherpad_mypads: Success
size: 424647339
Collecting files to be backed up for gitea...
Loading installation settings...
Backing up code...
Backing up user data...
Backing up configuration...
Backing up logs...
Backing up database
Backup script completed for gitea. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 111.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_gitea
name: auto_gitea
gitea: Success
size: 117228633
Collecting files to be backed up for grav...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.1GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav
name: auto_grav
grav: Success
size: 2205519149
Collecting files to be backed up for grav__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.9GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav__2
name: auto_grav__2
grav__2: Success
size: 2008995498
Collecting files to be backed up for libreto...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for libreto. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 28.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_libreto
name: auto_libreto
libreto: Success
size: 29490253
Collecting files to be backed up for mattermost...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for mattermost. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 672.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_mattermost
name: auto_mattermost
mattermost: Success
size: 705165242
Collecting files to be backed up for mobilizon...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for mobilizon. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 553.7MB of data.
Backup created: auto_mobilizon
name: auto_mobilizon
mobilizon: Success
size: 580598457
Collecting files to be backed up for my_webapp...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for my_webapp. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 479.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_my_webapp
name: auto_my_webapp
my_webapp: Success
size: 503089048
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230218-153241-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for onlyoffice...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for onlyoffice. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_onlyoffice
name: auto_onlyoffice
onlyoffice: Success
size: 1121643
Collecting files to be backed up for opensondage...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for opensondage. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 15.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_opensondage
name: auto_opensondage
opensondage: Success
size: 16290162
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 150.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko
name: auto_paheko
paheko: Success
size: 158081189
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1022.9MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko__2
name: auto_paheko__2
paheko__2: Success
size: 1072613982
Collecting files to be backed up for phpmyadmin...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for phpmyadmin. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 52.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_phpmyadmin
name: auto_phpmyadmin
phpmyadmin: Success
size: 54674321
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 59.9KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect
name: auto_redirect
redirect: Success
size: 61333
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect__2...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 60.0KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect__2
name: auto_redirect__2
redirect__2: Success
size: 61464
Collecting files to be backed up for roundcube...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for roundcube. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 46.7MB of data.
Backup created: auto_roundcube
name: auto_roundcube
roundcube: Success
size: 49012570
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Still waiting...
Still waiting...
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Still waiting...
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Source path '/root/.ssh/id_borg__2_ed25519' does not exist
Source path '/root/.ssh/' does not exist
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
It's hightly recommended to make your backup when the service is stopped. Please stop gitea service and with this command before to run the backup 'systemctl stop gitea.service'
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
umount: /home/yunohost.backup/tmp/auto_nextcloud/apps/nextcloud/backup/home/ target is busy.
Could not clean up the temporary backup folder
You should pick an empty output directory
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Remote: Debian GNU/Linux 11
A repository already exists at ssh://borguser@domainB.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
message du 18/02 à 16:40 pour la sauvegarde locale borg
de A*
The backup miserably failed to backup etherpad_mypads application.
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_conf
name: auto_conf
conf_ldap: Success
conf_manually_modified_files: Success
conf_ynh_certs: Success
conf_ynh_settings: Success
size: 2635047
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 642.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_data
name: auto_data
data_home: Success
data_mail: Success
data_multimedia: Success
data_xmpp: Success
size: 673717848
Collecting files to be backed up for borg...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 113.2KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg
name: auto_borg
borg: Success
size: 115881
Collecting files to be backed up for borg__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 104.6KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg__2
name: auto_borg__2
borg__2: Success
size: 107080
Collecting files to be backed up for coturn...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for coturn. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 154.1KB of data.
Backup created: auto_coturn
name: auto_coturn
coturn: Success
size: 157780
Collecting files to be backed up for cryptpad...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for cryptpad. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 957.0MB of data.
Backup created: auto_cryptpad
name: auto_cryptpad
cryptpad: Success
size: 1003483060
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20230218-152400-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for gitea...
Loading installation settings...
Backing up code...
Backing up user data...
Backing up configuration...
Backing up logs...
Backing up database
Backup script completed for gitea. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 111.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_gitea
name: auto_gitea
gitea: Success
size: 117228412
Collecting files to be backed up for grav...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.1GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav
name: auto_grav
grav: Success
size: 2205519149
Collecting files to be backed up for grav__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.9GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav__2
name: auto_grav__2
grav__2: Success
size: 2008995498
Collecting files to be backed up for libreto...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for libreto. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 28.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_libreto
name: auto_libreto
libreto: Success
size: 29490253
Collecting files to be backed up for mattermost...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for mattermost. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 672.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_mattermost
name: auto_mattermost
mattermost: Success
size: 705164935
Collecting files to be backed up for mobilizon...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for mobilizon. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 553.7MB of data.
Backup created: auto_mobilizon
name: auto_mobilizon
mobilizon: Success
size: 580598457
Collecting files to be backed up for my_webapp...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for my_webapp. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 479.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_my_webapp
name: auto_my_webapp
my_webapp: Success
size: 503089042
Collecting files to be backed up for nextcloud...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backing up data directory...
Backup script completed for nextcloud. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 9.3GB of data.
Backup created: auto_nextcloud
name: auto_nextcloud
nextcloud: Success
size: 10016956794
Collecting files to be backed up for onlyoffice...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for onlyoffice. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_onlyoffice
name: auto_onlyoffice
onlyoffice: Success
size: 1121643
Collecting files to be backed up for opensondage...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for opensondage. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 15.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_opensondage
name: auto_opensondage
opensondage: Success
size: 16290162
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 150.8MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko
name: auto_paheko
paheko: Success
size: 158081189
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1022.9MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko__2
name: auto_paheko__2
paheko__2: Success
size: 1072613982
Collecting files to be backed up for phpmyadmin...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for phpmyadmin. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 52.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_phpmyadmin
name: auto_phpmyadmin
phpmyadmin: Success
size: 54674321
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 59.9KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect
name: auto_redirect
redirect: Success
size: 61333
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect__2...
Loading installation settings...
Backup script completed for redirect__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 60.0KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect__2
name: auto_redirect__2
redirect__2: Success
size: 61464
Collecting files to be backed up for roundcube...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for roundcube. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 46.7MB of data.
Backup created: auto_roundcube
name: auto_roundcube
roundcube: Success
size: 49012570
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Still waiting...
Still waiting...
Still waiting...
Still waiting...
Still waiting...
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Still waiting...
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Source path '/root/.ssh/id_borg__2_ed25519' does not exist
Source path '/root/.ssh/' does not exist
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Another YunoHost command is running right now, we are waiting for it to finish before running this one
Still waiting...
The other command just completed, now starting this command
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
umount: /home/yunohost.backup/tmp/auto_etherpad_mypads/apps/etherpad_mypads/backup/var/www/etherpad_mypads: target is busy.
Could not clean up the temporary backup folder
You should pick an empty output directory
It's hightly recommended to make your backup when the service is stopped. Please stop gitea service and with this command before to run the backup 'systemctl stop gitea.service'
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Uhoh, somehow the lock /var/run/moulinette_yunohost.lock did not exist ...
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at /mnt/backups/borg_archives.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)