Borg failed with stat: [Errno 2] No such file or directory

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS bought online
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

My distant daily backup failed last night, seems not completely failed but with this error


[2023-10-20_04:02:29] Remote: ssh: connect to host port XXXX: No route to host
[2023-10-20_04:02:29] Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
[2024-01-19_04:00:43] data/mail/paheko/dovecot-uidlist.lock: stat: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'data/mail/paheko/dovecot-uidlist.lock'

Perhaps just the connexion have been interrupted ?
I am not sure or is it this file dovecot-uidlist.lock (wich don’t exist), but there is a similar file in /var/mail/paheko/dovecot-uidlist

here was the message send by borgbackup

The backup miserably failed to backup system data.

Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 4.2MB of data.
Backup created: auto_conf
name: auto_conf
    conf_ldap: Success
    conf_manually_modified_files: Success
    conf_ynh_certs: Success
    conf_ynh_settings: Success
size: 4425924
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 724.8MB of data.
The operation 'Create a backup archive' could not be completed. Please share the full log of this operation using the command 'yunohost log share 20240119-030032-backup_create' to get help
Collecting files to be backed up for borg...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 128.1KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg
name: auto_borg
    borg: Success
size: 131213
Collecting files to be backed up for borg__2...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for borg__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 119.5KB of data.
Backup created: auto_borg__2
name: auto_borg__2
    borg__2: Success
size: 122418
Collecting files to be backed up for coturn...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for coturn. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 141.0KB of data.
Backup created: auto_coturn
name: auto_coturn
    coturn: Success
size: 144408
Collecting files to be backed up for cryptpad...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for cryptpad. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.4GB of data.
Backup created: auto_cryptpad
name: auto_cryptpad
    cryptpad: Success
size: 1537548669
Collecting files to be backed up for etherpad_mypads...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for etherpad_mypads. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 645.4MB of data.
Backup created: auto_etherpad_mypads
name: auto_etherpad_mypads
    etherpad_mypads: Success
size: 676739761
Collecting files to be backed up for forgejo...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the database...
Backup script completed for forgejo. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 119.2MB of data.
Backup created: auto_forgejo
name: auto_forgejo
    forgejo: Success
size: 124943638
Collecting files to be backed up for grav...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.1GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav
name: auto_grav
    grav: Success
size: 2214775972
Collecting files to be backed up for grav__2...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for grav__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 2.1GB of data.
Backup created: auto_grav__2
name: auto_grav__2
    grav__2: Success
size: 2213639630
Collecting files to be backed up for libreto...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for libreto. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 28.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_libreto
name: auto_libreto
    libreto: Success
size: 29490483
Collecting files to be backed up for mattermost...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the database...
Backup script completed for mattermost. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 1.0GB of data.
Backup created: auto_mattermost
name: auto_mattermost
    mattermost: Success
size: 1082267284
Collecting files to be backed up for mobilizon...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for mobilizon. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 622.6MB of data.
Backup created: auto_mobilizon
name: auto_mobilizon
    mobilizon: Success
size: 652841286
Collecting files to be backed up for my_webapp...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the database...
Backup script completed for my_webapp. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 845.3MB of data.
Backup created: auto_my_webapp
name: auto_my_webapp
    my_webapp: Success
size: 886377157
Collecting files to be backed up for my_webapp__2...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the database...
Backup script completed for my_webapp__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 216.7MB of data.
Backup created: auto_my_webapp__2
name: auto_my_webapp__2
    my_webapp__2: Success
size: 227211144
Collecting files to be backed up for nextcloud...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for nextcloud. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 19.4GB of data.
Backup created: auto_nextcloud
name: auto_nextcloud
    nextcloud: Success
size: 20793804177
Collecting files to be backed up for onlyoffice...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the PostgreSQL database...
Backup script completed for onlyoffice. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 7.2MB of data.
Backup created: auto_onlyoffice
name: auto_onlyoffice
    onlyoffice: Success
size: 7595598
Collecting files to be backed up for opensondage...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for opensondage. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 17.0MB of data.
Backup created: auto_opensondage
name: auto_opensondage
    opensondage: Success
size: 17799394
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 91.0MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko
name: auto_paheko
    paheko: Success
size: 95427367
Collecting files to be backed up for paheko__2...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backup script completed for paheko__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 144.5MB of data.
Backup created: auto_paheko__2
name: auto_paheko__2
    paheko__2: Success
size: 151552090
Collecting files to be backed up for phpmyadmin...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for phpmyadmin. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 51.9MB of data.
Backup created: auto_phpmyadmin
name: auto_phpmyadmin
    phpmyadmin: Success
size: 54386794
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect...
Backup script completed for redirect. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 50.1KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect
name: auto_redirect
    redirect: Success
size: 51293
Collecting files to be backed up for redirect__2...
Backup script completed for redirect__2. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 50.2KB of data.
Backup created: auto_redirect__2
name: auto_redirect__2
    redirect__2: Success
size: 51422
Collecting files to be backed up for roundcube...
Loading installation settings...
Declaring files to be backed up...
Backing up the MySQL database...
Backup script completed for roundcube. (YunoHost will then actually copy those files to the archive).
Creating a backup archive from the collected files...
The archive will contain about 47.1MB of data.
Backup created: auto_roundcube
name: auto_roundcube
    roundcube: Success
size: 49365554
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Could not run script: /etc/yunohost/hooks.d/backup_method/05-borg_app
Custom backup method could not get past the 'backup' step
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Source path '/root/.ssh/id_borg__2_ed25519' does not exist
Source path '/root/.ssh/' does not exist
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translated string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_applying_method_custom': 'Calling the custom backup method '{method}'...' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
A repository already exists at ssh://userborg@domainborgserver.tld:XXXX/~/backup.
Failed to format translated string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}, raising error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)
Failed to format translatable string 'backup_method_custom_finished': 'Custom backup method '{method}' finished' with arguments '()' and '{}', raising  error: KeyError('method') (don't panic this is just a warning)

Well, after restarting the failed service borg, the backup is done with success…


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