Bibliogram installed with errors, app doesn't start

My YunoHost server

Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4 8GB, YunoHost installed on microSD card
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH and through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no

Description of my issue

Hello all,
I’m new at this and just exploring YunoHost. I have created a new subdomain “”, successfully installed a SSL certificate, and then installed Bibliogram on that subdomain.

The Bibliogram installation process finished, but with errors, visible towards the end of the log

The Bibliogram app doesn’t start. After a while I get a 504 Gateway Time-out error.

Can someone help, please?

The log mentions

2022-02-07 15:38:32,006: WARNING - The service bibliogram didn't fully executed the action start before the timeout.
2022-02-07 15:38:32,063: WARNING - Please find here an extract of the end of the log of the service bibliogram:
2022-02-07 15:38:32,064: DEBUG - + echo -e 'Please find here an extract of the end of the log of the service bibliogram:'
2022-02-07 15:38:32,065: DEBUG - + ynh_exec_warn journalctl --quiet --no-hostname --no-pager --lines=20 --unit=bibliogram
2022-02-07 15:38:32,065: DEBUG - + [[ 6 -eq 1 ]]
2022-02-07 15:38:32,066: DEBUG - ++ journalctl --quiet --no-hostname --no-pager --lines=20 --unit=bibliogram
2022-02-07 15:38:32,093: DEBUG - + ynh_print_warn 'Feb 07 15:33:35 npm[15167]: Tor error!
2022-02-07 15:38:32,095: DEBUG - Feb 07 15:33:35 npm[15167]: Error: Tor exited with code 2
2022-02-07 15:38:32,095: DEBUG - Feb 07 15:33:35 npm[15167]:     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/var/www/bibliogram/node_modules/@deadcanaries/granax/index.js:82:30)
2022-02-07 15:38:32,096: DEBUG - Feb 07 15:33:35 npm[15167]:     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
2022-02-07 15:38:32,096: DEBUG - Feb 07 15:33:35 npm[15167]:     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:290:12)

What kind of Tor process is running? Is it (as far as you know) part of Bibliogram, or did you install it seperately? I had a look at ‘green’ Yunohost’-apps, but didn’t directly see a Tor app.

I’m not familiar with Bibliogram (or Instagram, for that matter), sorry to be of limited help!

No, I haven’t installed Tor on my YunoHost. I guess this Tor must be part of Bibliogram.

Any Bibliogram insiders who know more?

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