I use a self-hosted yunohost system on a local IP (on a VM on proxmox server). I have installed the following applications for testing:
- Dokuwiki
- Etherpad Mypads
- Lstu
- Matomo
- PrettyNoemie CMS
- Rainloop
- Searx
- WordPress
- Zerobin
They work for one year.
After the launch of :
curl https://install.yunohost.org/switchtoTesting | bash
I had to run the system update to see the migration appear.
But my “/” partition was smaller than 1 GB because of node (20 versions installed) (see How to free up space? node uses more than 8 GB space - #12 by jorge). I cleaned the old versions.
But the message of was so hidden in the logs of migration. It would be an alert more visible.
Then after the end of the migration, all services worked except lstu.
I restarted the compilation of the Carton dependencies and it started again.
sudo cpanm Carton
cd /var/www/lstu/
sudo rm -rf local/
sudo carton install --deployment --without=sqlite --without=mysql
sudo systemctl restart lstu.service
So everything is working on my side.
Thanks for everything!