Beaucoup de soucis dans mon dernier diagnostique

Mon serveur YunoHost

Matériel: Raspberry Pi à la maison / Brique Internet avec VPN
Version de YunoHost 11.1.20 (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modifiiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non


Je m’inquiète de mon dernier diagnostique, d’autant que depuis hier j’ai des problèmes de connexion.
Merci de vos conseils:

[ERROR] The server does not have working IPv4.

DNS records (dnsrecords)

[ERROR] Some DNS records are missing or incorrect for domain (category basic)

  • Please check the documentation at DNS zone configuration | Yunohost Documentation if you need help configuring DNS records.
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: @
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: birdnetpi
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: camera
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: irc
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: isso
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: paperless
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: radio
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: weechat
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None

[WARNING] Some DNS records are missing or incorrect for domain (category extra)

  • Please check the documentation at DNS zone configuration | Yunohost Documentation if you need help configuring DNS records.
  • The following DNS record does not seem to follow the recommended configuration:
    Type: AAAA
    Name: *
    Current value: 2001:678:938:100::120
    Expected value: None
  • According to the recommended DNS configuration, you should add a DNS record with the following info.
    Type: CAA
    Name: @
    Value: 0 issue “

Ports exposure (ports)

[WARNING] Could not diagnose if ports are reachable from outside in IPv4.

  • Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /check-ports (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution’))


Web (web)

[ERROR] Domain appears unreachable through HTTP from outside the local network in IPv4, though it works in IPv6.

  • Timed-out while trying to contact your server from the outside. It appears to be unreachable.
    1. The most common cause for this issue is that port 80 (and 443) are not correctly forwarded to your server.
    2. You should also make sure that the service nginx is running
    3. On more complex setups: make sure that no firewall or reverse-proxy is interfering.

[ERROR] Domain appears unreachable through HTTP from outside the local network in IPv4, though it works in IPv6.

  • Timed-out while trying to contact your server from the outside. It appears to be unreachable.
    1. The most common cause for this issue is that port 80 (and 443) are not correctly forwarded to your server.
    2. You should also make sure that the service nginx is running
    3. On more complex setups: make sure that no firewall or reverse-proxy is interfering.

Email (mail)

[WARNING] Could not diagnose if postfix mail server is reachable from the outside in IPv6.

  • Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /check-smtp (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘: Failed to establish a new connection: getaddrinfo returns an empty list’))

Pourtant je reçois et envoie des e-mails. Par contre, le vpn/la connexion de la brique semble out parfois…

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Je ne connais pas vraiment le mode de fonctionnement de la brique internet ne l’utilisant pas mais si tu as des problèmes de connexion avec celle-ci peut être que le problème vient de là.
Ton yunohost est accessible uniquement via le vpn de la brique ? Ou via la boxe de ton FAI ?

Après concernant tes messages d’erreurs, le problème est que le système de diagnostique de Yunohost ne te trouve aucune IP local valide. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

[ERROR] The server does not have working IPv4.
Ports exposure (ports)

[WARNING] Could not diagnose if ports are reachable from outside in IPv4.

    Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /check-ports (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution’))
Email (mail)

[WARNING] Could not diagnose if postfix mail server is reachable from the outside in IPv6.

    Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /check-smtp (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘: Failed to establish a new connection: getaddrinfo returns an empty list’))

Or visiblement ton rapberry en a quand même une puisque fonctionne.

tu as quoi si tu execute les commandes suivantes ? ip a et traceroute

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Merci de ta réponse. Tout est redevenu normal, j’ai l’impression qu’il s’agissait d’un problème lié au vpn qui se déconnectait pour je ne sais quelle raison, temporairement.

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