[Armadietto_ynh] Retours bienvenus / Feedback welcome


J’ai packagé une première version de l’application Armadietto :

Des retours seraient les bienvenus :slightly_smiling_face:
Et si vous avez des tuyaux pour une meilleure intégration (panneau de configuration, création des utilisateurs, sso, la gestion des mises à jours, le numérotage des versions…)




I have packaged a first version of the Armadietto application:

Some feedback would be welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
And if you have any tips for a better integration (control panel, user creation, sso, update management, version numbering…)



Hi Bencharp,

Thank you for making Armadietto available!

I haven’t tried installing it. Do you use remote storage yourself? In which cases is it useful? Or does it still need an ecosystem to grow around it?

Hi @wbk,

I have been following the remoteStorage project since the unhosted project crowd-funding call in 2011. You will find a lot of answers about the interest of the protocol and the development of its ecosystem by visiting the two websites :


Personally, I try to use it in a more daily way, hence my interest in its packaging for yunohost. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks, it is a very interesting concept. It is meeting selfhosting halfway, by still having logic provided by external sources, but keeping all data at home.

Actually, as far as data is concerned, just like people were used to until Internet took of. With the twist of downloading a live version of a program to modify your data, instead of downloading a static installer.

I’ll sure have a deeper look into the concept, thank you for packaging the remoteStorage server!

mise à jour mineure sur testing :

  • option du serveur paramêtrable via le panneau de configuration
  • correction linter check : merci @ericg
  • mise à jour Readme : merci @raucao

J’accueille les retours avec plaisir :slight_smile:

Je suis preneur d’infos, de documentation et/ou de conseils au sujet des n° de versions et des mises à jours (changelog, upgrade check, etc.)

minor update on testing :

  • server option can be set via the control panel
  • linter check correction : thanks @ericg
  • readme update: thanks @raucao

I welcome feedback :slight_smile:

I’m looking for info, documentation and/or advice about version numbers and updates (changelog, upgrade check, etc.)