[Archivist] Backup your server with rsync

Sorry for the necropost. I plan to use borg_80px Borg Backup once I have completed several other steps in my YNH deployment project, but until that is installed I intend to use rsync for several backups, including one right at the very start of my project, when the only thing that I will have accomplished by then is burning the yunohost_80px YunoHost v4.1.7.2 iso image onto the µSD-card, even before the initial booting of YunoHost, before I have even run yunohost tools postinstall on it. I want to take several backups even before the stage that I’ll be able to install apps such as Archivist. Can someone please advise me on using rsync manually from the terminal, without any scripts involved, just plain CLI instructions? I assume that I would need to ssh into the YunoHost machine (I’m running YNH on a raspberrypi_80px Raspberry Pi 4) from my laptop (which is running ubuntu_80px Ubuntu), and execute the commands from there, right? I’m not yet confident with rsync, but I am sure it is possible to do this from the terminal, without having to install anything else. Is that right?