Hello everyone,
I’ve been following the progress of SimpleX Chat https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat. It seems a very promising project and also offers a self hosting server. Would it be possible to have this in Yunohost?
Hello everyone,
I’ve been following the progress of SimpleX Chat https://github.com/simplex-chat/simplex-chat. It seems a very promising project and also offers a self hosting server. Would it be possible to have this in Yunohost?
I am interested in a simplex-chat server on Yunohost, too.
(btw the proper way to request app is to add them to the wishlist, for example as done here : Added FlareSolverr to wishlist by Pistrie · Pull Request #2184 · YunoHost/doc · GitHub
Ehmm what if we don’t have a GitHub account aaaaand also don’t wish to create one …? How about a dedicated pinned thread in the forum here ?
If someone with interest to the app could test SimpleX Chat.
Fingerprint and Server adress are in the Simplex service logs
Edit: I have tested to connect from the phone app to the server without succes
edit2: I have succeded connection to the server from app phone
J’ai essayé de l’installer sur une architecture arm64 sans succès.
J’ai peut être loupé un truc dans la doc du sur les architectures compatibles :
I have compiled the binary on a amd64 arch… so it may not work on arm64… (/install: line 80: ./smp-server: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
Maybe you can try to compile it with you arm64 board: GitHub - simplex-chat/simplexmq: ⚙️ SimpleXMQ - A reference implementation of the SimpleX Messaging Protocol for simplex queues over public networks.
Hi, this is really interesting!
I installed it (testing branch) and found the server address in the simplex log. Handled the port and then I added it to the client and tested, and it worked fine
I don’t know how to do it but for now it might be only for amd64 :
I’ve complied an arm64 for simplex. Wasn’t able to complie the ftp server. But will continue to try and complie that for arm.
Please use at your own risk.
I have made a branch with your binary: GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/simplex_ynh at arm
Installation works on a arm64 board.
The xftp is now complied, same location.
Unable to test as the main github doesn’t implement it yet.
Thanks again for the contribution!
It will really save time if you could directly contribute to the app repo.
xftp has been integrated to this branch.
Edit xftp is not working in my mobile…
Upgrade works on an arm64 board.
As the smp server it should print the xftp server too. So where/how manually retrieve it ?
It’s no problem, from now on I’ll proceed with GitHub push.
Regard xftp, it seems it uses different flags to start and also works in port 443.
There may be a way to configure xftp to use another port. (Could be something within the docker services file). There is not much documentation on xftp installation as of yet.
It also needs access to /srv/xftp for file location and /var/opt/simplex-xftp for logs.
Also logs are not working for smp (could be the same for xftp) due to permission to the folder. Would also be nice to enable and disable the logs from yunohost portal.
P.s. the enable is just a dream
We should have a working xftp server now
for the doc:
I think you need to install from fresh for xftp integration.
I’ve unistall and reinstall but I’ve only the info about smp server but not for the xftp. I’ve quickly search for simplex-xftp in etc opt srv but nothing.
are you installing from this branch?