[App Request] memos - An open-source, self-hosted memo hub with knowledge management and socialization

Source: GitHub - usememos/memos: An open-source, self-hosted memo hub with knowledge management and socialization.

An open-source, self-hosted memo hub with knowledge management and socialization.
Made with Go, Air for backend live reload, Node.js, yarn and SQLite as database.

Memos sample page


  • Open source and free
  • Support for self-hosting with Docker
  • Plain textarea first and support some useful Markdown syntax
  • Set memo private or public to others
  • RESTful API for self-service
  • Several products made by Community: iOS app, Chrome extension, WeChat MiniProgram, Telegram bot, static page rendered with Memos API and a Logseq plugin.

Public demo instance: demo.usememos.com.


I would love to use this! Looks good as a clipboard for internet clippings

it looks very nice! and there is already an android app as well!