[app request] joplin server

im really into trying different “notes” apps lately and i saw we have the possibility to install turtl server, which is sadly on hiatus though.

on the other hand, joplin has created their own self-hostable server and it would be cool to have it as an option on ynh!


I think joplin works with nextcloud and seafile

it does support nextcloud, but im kind of trying not to use it because im not a big fun.

while seafile keeps breaking down so it’s not very reliable.


Installation of the master branch via webadmin failed

Vps 2G/20G yunohost 11.2.8

I have add no problem so far installing Joplin on my system :thinking: (VPS 8G RAM yunohost 11.2.8)

Here is the error

- ➤ YN0000: ┌ Link step
2023-12-09 21:13:45,743: DEBUG - ➤ YN0001: │ Error: While persisting /var/www/joplin/.yarn/cache/mkdirp-npm-1.0.4-37f6ef56b9-a96865108c.zip/node_modules/mkdirp/ -> /var/www/joplin/packages/turndown/node_modules/mkdirp ENOENT: no such file or directory, mkdir '/var/www/joplin/packages/turndown/node_modules/mkdirp/lib'

It looks like it’s about a missing directory.

Here is my app list

sudo yunohost app list | grep id
    id: collabora
    id: dokuwiki
    id: grav
    id: grav__2
    id: lychee
    id: mattermost
    id: nextcloud
    id: nocodb
    id: paheko
    id: phpsysinfo
    id: roundcube
    id: spftoolbox
    id: wallabag2
    id: webmin

It’s a missing directory in joplin install, perhaps you’re out of disk space? I just tried install and it worked on my end no problem.

Yes it was. I had only 2G free. I freed some some space to 7G and still failed. So I tried it on my home server with 200G free space and it worked. I will try later on the vps.
I couldn’t get confirmation emails. I’ll check the logs

Confirmation emails are accessible by going to admin → Emails

The tests are failing and I’m a bit lost in debugging…

You already have Nextcloud installed; did you see a benefit in installing Joplin server, or is it just to see how it works?

Yes I saw that but there is no mail in my inbox after changing the address. In my docker installation I remember I had to set the smtp server in the docker compose file.

I prefer not using nextcloud for other purposes than file storage and collaboration. Since there is a dedicated server for joplin why not?

By the way, I came across this project GitHub - mar10/wsgidav: A generic and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI and installed it to profit from a lightweight webdav server. As joplin supports webdav, I thought using it.

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I tried to backup the joplin app of my home server with the intention of sending the file to my vps to restore it. It turns out that the backup file is 5G. That’s huge for a note management app. I checked the docker container and it was about 1.7G (it’s running since 3 months with 2 users). I’m confused :confused:

Awesome! :100: Really looking forward to this one! :raised_hands:

Just curious what the status of Joplin Server is. Is it safe/reliable to install? I don’t see it in the App Catalog though. Also, weirdly, I also don’t see it in the App Wishlist either. :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:

For me it is not working because of this error:

gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]: node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1137
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:   throw err;
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:   ^
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]: Error: Cannot find module '/var/www/joplin/packages/server/dist/app.js'
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:     at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1134:15)
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:     at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:27)
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:     at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:128:12)
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:     at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:   code: 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND',
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]:   requireStack: []
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]: }
gen 06 19:51:30 yarn[233229]: Node.js v18.19.0

Full log here: hastebin

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Hello, it’s just to say that I just made an installation (testing) without error and that account creation and synchronization between 2 devices works fine.
Congratulations and thank you