App installation errors

I am having issues installing apps. Here is a link to the log file im getting. If I can get some help figuring this out I truly appreciate it.

Hi elemaster88,

Welcome to the forums!

Bummer :frowning:

When you wrote your post there was a template. Please provide the details from the template so others can help you better, and give future readers an idea whether the problem and the solution are relevant to them!

You write ‘apps’ in plural. Is it only with this specific app? I tried installing it, I got the same error. The script seems to pull in a specific version of Tomcat9 (newer than available by default in Debian), but in the mean time a newer version became available at Index of /debian/pool/main/t/tomcat9

I can tell you that that is the reason that you get the error, but I am unable to change the script on Github.

In the mean time, if you need some remote viewer app, you could try installing Rustdesk server, which may provide similar functionality.

Good luck!

Sorry for not following the rules… :frowning: I will try to do better next time. I said apps because I am unable to install nextcloud as well with a very similar error. I will try installing rustdesk and see if that works. Thank you for the feedback. Also here is a log file for nextcloud as well.

The error with Nextcloud may have been temporary: when I try to download as mentioned in the log, the download starts.

Could you try again?

Welcome to the yunohost forum.
As stated by @wbk, you should give more details about the context of your server.
VPS or pc or other machine? Behind a router? Does the diagnosis complain about anything?
These details will certainly help us help you

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