My YunoHost server
Hardware: Internet Cube (lime2) with VPN
YunoHost version:
I have access to my server : Through SSH, through the webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
Description of my issue
I was reading this recent post, and I was surprised by this comment from Bram (particularly the part I highlighted in bold):
Okay so for ARMbian to know the version number you want to have for the running kernel on, it’s … quite a mess:
- first you need to pick the version of armbian you are using
- then look at this table Armbian - Wikipedia to see if you are based on bulleyes OR bookworm (please don’t yunohost on bookworm)
Well it’s not the comment itself that surprised me, but my findings when trying to do what it suggests.
So to “pick the version of armbian” I’m using I ran cat /etc/armbian-release | grep VERSION
(hope that’s the right way to do it). This is the output I get: VERSION=23.8.1
So then I visit the Armbian page, and I find out I’m on bookworm.
Well does this mean I’m running yunohost on bookworm without knowing it??
- If that’s the case, that’s purely unintentional, I always did upgrades just using yunohost upgrade commands (at least I believe so).
- The server is working fine, it doesn’t have many users and apps installed, but all seem to be working fine to me.
Is there anything I should do/correct/modify in this situation?
How did this all happen?
Should I talk to a doctor to ask them if I may be waking up at night to do strange things on my server without knowing it?