Alltube no longer worth having listed

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11
What app is this about: Alltube

Describe your issue

Alltube’s repo was frozen April 22, 2023 and doesn’t work for any videos that I try. The Juno app page does mention the upstream is no longer updated and things may not work but at this point it seems like a disservice to still have it listed as a yuno app. Could we maybe remove it to encourage a replacement? It would be great to be able to download videos again maybe even using metube - GitHub - alexta69/metube: Self-hosted YouTube downloader (web UI for youtube-dl / yt-dlp)

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There is a number of Youtube-y apps. I only use Peertube, which supports importing/downloading videos from (among others) Youtube.

Have you tried upgrading 'youtube-dl via apt? It could even be that Alltube just uses the available version, in which case that may repair it for you.

Hi @wbk,

YouTube-dl is long dead. the project died in 2021. What should be used now is yt-dlp though it is possible all tube already uses this and just doesn’t self update or the rest of the app is just too broken?

As far as Peertube I can give it a try but from what I’ve seen it’s more like an invidious than alltube/metube…in that yes you can download videos, but its meant more for viewing them.

Ah, I’ve been out of that loop for too long. yt-dlp it is then.

Click for more on contemplations in this direction

My thought was that, even if Allutube is not maintained anymore, it would mostly break because of Google changes making yt-dlp not working anymore.

Apps such as newpipe on Android, to my knowledge, also rely on youdube-dl or now yt-dlp and that still works.

So if Alltube itself is not broken as such, only the interface to Youtube has suffered because yt-dlp got out of date, it may get repaired by just upgrading that by sudo apt update yt-dlp.

Even if Alltube uses youtube-dl, you could try installing yt-dlp and replacing the youtube-dl executable with a symlink to yt-dlp. Since the latter is a fork of the former, they may have enough in common for Alltube not to notice the difference.

I don’t know Invidious, but indeed, Peertube is mostly meant as a Youtube replacement, not as a Youtube downloader in the first place.

Don’t let that stand in the way of using it as a downloader though: the project is well maintained, and with it running on your own server, the downloads are available to you anyway. Added bonus that you can view them from your browser, without opening a mediaplayer :wink:

I did look into this and it does indeed use YouTube-dl and can’t find updates for it. I had considered replacing it with yt-dlp but it doesn’t seem practical. Best case scenario is all the flags are the same and it indeed works but is very messy. It would also need to be manually updated often. So for this to be a proper workaround, there would need to be a custom yunohost fork of alltube with this fix. Doing this is beyond my capabilities and sounds like a lot of manual work not to mention possible other things breaking or security flaws with the rest of Alltube.

I have also tried peer tube. It seems nice but is incredibly involved in comparison to how alltube or how metube works.

Whatever is decided I feel Alltube should be removed from the catalog in it’s current state.


P.S. The yunohost alltube git page has been frozen since February 2025. GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/alltube_ynh: Youtube downloader front end package for YunoHost

for those of you who are wondering what I am doing now, I am currently just using yt-dlp via cli. certainly more time consuming that alltube/metube but it’s all I currently have to work with

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