After YH 11 -> 12 Migration: Parts of Webadmin Interface seem to be broken

What type of hardware are you using: VPS bought online
What YunoHost version are you running:
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue

After obviously successfully migrating my system from YH 11 Bullseye to YH 12 bookworm, some of the Buttons in the webadmin interface seem to be broken or maybe the underlying functions aren’t executed as expected.

E.g. currently i cannot execute a YH reboot or update any of the installed applications. After clicking one of the buttons, my mouse pointer changes from the hyperlink indicator into a standard arrow, and i need to refresh the page to interact with it again.

Share relevant logs or error messages

There is neither an error nor could i find any log entries which might indicate a problem.

Could you perhaps report this issue under GitHub - YunoHost/issues: General issue tracker for the YunoHost project ?

That sounds like a thing that needs addressing before YNH 12 release.

These are two very different operation, could you confirm that you are experiencing this issue with both … ?

I do reproduce the weird behavior for the reboot operation (the server does reboot but the UI doesnt give proper feedback … but it’s expected to be a bit funky anyway considering that the server becomes unavailable)

The app upgrade works fine though …

Thanks, i created an issue.

Yes, the issue shows on both operations. In my case, i doubt the server is rebooting as i can reload the page immediately and the server seems to be up and running without interruption.

Restarting takes a couple of seconds to bring nginx down, so that’s not surprising. Can you SSH into the system and run uptime command to see when the system was last restarted?

Yes. I can confirm that the system is not restarting after clicking the appropriate button. The uptime is still about 2 days.

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Try running sudo journalctl -f and leave it open, open the console of the browser, click the restart button.
Report any errors

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There are no entries being generated when i try to perform a restart.

Even the browser console?

No, actually. There is no entry for an event in in Chrome after clicking the button.

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