After DNS config file regen, the warning end up coming back

My YunoHost server

Hardware: 64 bits regular computer
YunoHost version: 11.1.17
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | Can plug display+keyboard
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : Tweaked my /etc/hosts file, but reversed the changes back to orginal | Yunohost installed on debian, not through a yunohost install iso | Use backport for borg 2.0


I tweaked my hosts file to try something, ended up not needing the tweak, reversed it. Now the diagnostic warns me about /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf being manually modified. When I run the suggested regen yunohost tools regen-conf dnsmasq --force, the warning goes away, but end up coming back

Description of my issue

I implemented a custom backup cron task to backup to a local NAS (since I host my server at home). To do so, at some point, I wanted for the sake of having a “clean” script (stupid move in insight…) to configure my NAS IP address directly in my /etc/hosts file as such :

192.168.1.xx        local.nas

After a while, I realized that this was kind of useless, and trigger a warning about my dns config in my diagnostic page. So I changed back the file to its original state. The warning remain, not a problem, I just run the suggested yunohost tools regen-conf dnsmasq --force.

Problem solved: the warning goes away. But wait ! After some time, it comes back, identical, and running the regen command again just gets the same result.

Is there any way to properly get rid of the warning (that I ignored for now) ?

Thank you for your help ! :green_heart:

And can we know what that mysterious warning actually is ? x_x

Sorry, it was not clear :sweat_smile:

Configuration file /etc/resolv.dnsmasq.conf appears to have been manually modified.

Could it be that maybe you have a VPN client installed on the server ?

To get more clues, I would check the actual content of that file compared to what is expected maybe

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Oh A VPN client trigger this warning ? I didn’t notice it before ! I do have a vpn (provided by fdn)

Yeah, that’s a bug/feature (depending on how you look at it) of vpnclient, you can safely ignore this warning …

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Thank you :heart:

bonus questions : So modifying the host file manually is ok ? Is it good pratice ?

Can’t really say it’s a “good practice” or “bad practice”, it’s as much a good or bad practice as “cooking” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. You should do it if you know what you are doing and have a good reason to edit it, which may indeed be necessary for local-only domains

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