AdGuard Home - update failed

My YunoHost server

Hardware: HP T530
YunoHost version: 11.2.12
I have access to my server : Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : no
If yes, please explain:
If your request is related to an app, specify its name and version: AdGuard Home 0.107.48

Description of my issue


before the upgrade I disabled DNS-over-HTTP option in Yunohost settings then executed the suggested command for disallowing ports 853 and 784. Now the Upgrade fails with:

error: Port 853 is already used by another process or app.

However neither 853 nor 784 are currently used by any other apps.

Link to the whole log:


Same problem for me

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Idem for me.
After checking that the port wasn’t used by any service/app using

lsof -i -P

I also tried to reload the firewall manually, but the situation didn’t change.

I think I found the issue: during the install/upgrade process, Yunohost checks if the ports used by the application are available or not.
This check returns True if the port is listed in the

ss --numeric --listening --tcp --udp

output or if the port is listed in any settings.yml file in any directory under the /etc/yunohost/apps/ folder.

I tried to run the two commands on my server, and the second one returned True because of the AdGuard settings.yml file containing the 853 port

>>> port = 853
>>> os.system(f"grep --extended-regexp \"port: '?{port}'?\" /etc/yunohost/apps/*/settings.yml")
/etc/yunohost/apps/adguardhome/settings.yml:adguard_DoT_port: '853'

I think the only proper way to handle this (and other similar situation that could possibly happen) is to exclude the app-being-updated’s folder from the check.

I’m going to report this issue on GitHub.

Issue reported, together with a possible solution


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