AdGuard encryption set-up (ERROR 443 HTTPS)

Hello there everybody :slight_smile:

The problem is simple but yet i need your support :slight_smile:
I install AdGuard by yunohost installation menu then set up few DNS block and TLS domain names / services
but i want to set-up encryption for DNS and the problem is when i check it like yes i want used it then i got a error massage the port 443 its not open for HTTPS but my website (yunohost) its over SSL (Lets Encrypt) each domain work perfectly HTTPS works as should, port is open in firewall in server and also my router.

There is another problem and thats set-up a path for lets encrypt cert.pem and key.pem
which i found be located in /etc/yunohost/certs/ or key.pem

but this location is not valid for set-up inside adguard there is also photo.
How should i set-up it ? what i am doing wrong ?

or there is documentation for it ? i didnt found it. Soo please help me !!! :smiley:

Il semble que ce problème ait déjà été signalé chez Yunohost en 2019, mais la solution serait peut-être sur ce post sur Reddit
(une histoire de conflit avec nginx ?)

that was useful i must say.

For others, when you install AdGuard which domain you choose its random but ngnix (WEBSERVICES uses it port 443 for HTTP) so you cant use 443 for AdGuard because you already used it for ngnix so change the value for example 4443 or 3568 or 4853 it doesnt matter, then make sure you add this port to the yunohost server firewall and also your router or what are you using for net-forward :slight_smile: then i didnt solved the problem with path.

BUT !! :smiley: take your cert.pem and key.pem somewhere else
/etc/yunohost/certs/ and key.pem copy them to the /home/AdGuard/ pastem here then you need change permission for these files who can used them then AdGuardHome is option for read and write.

SOOOOOO!!! … Please somebody from yunohost solve this problem with path access to the certification, now you need everytime when you change / renewal letsencrypt to this domain make this again because of news cert.key and pem.key :slight_smile:

@YunoHost READ IT Please :slight_smile:

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