A presentation for yunohost in LinuxDay2023 in Florence (Italy)

Sorry for the delay, I forgot to mention.
During the past LinuxDay 2023 held in Signa (near Firenze) https://www.firenze.linux.it/2023/09/linux-day-2023/ by the Golem and FLUG I gave a presentation of the Yunohost project.

20 persons, good reactions and some questions during the speech.

The slides can be viewed here.


Thank you very much!
Feel free to share any “difficult” or interesting questions you had.

Some small comments:

  • We rely on Libera.chat for IRC now, not Freenode. :wink:
  • Regarding Github, we evoked the possibility to use the fediverse when git forges will have implemented robust ways to decentralize repositories, while keeping our visibility on the network.
  • As of v11.x, there is no “admin” user anymore, but an “admins” group where anyone can be added to.
  • You say some services give direct access to the filesystem, though they are generally constrained by their system user and we sometimes rely on ACLs. Hopefully? :sweat_smile:
  • “Qui le guerre di religione sono ancora in corso”. SO TRUE. :rofl:
  • You mention “false simplicity”… In my point of view YunoHost is a stepping stone into this much complex world of system administration. We do not aim to cover all the use cases, but I hope the forum, chatrooms and the documentation can offer enough material to guide anyone into their selfhosting journey.

Thanks again!



My audience is often quite mixed, with hidden technical magician in so I need to clarify something about security and the use in commercial solutions :slight_smile:

I love so much this project because I think just like you but I need to present also problems and one of the biggest is the network knowledge (and the jargon too).

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