What type of hardware are you using: Old laptop or computer What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.11 How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen
Describe your issue
It’s been a few weeks now that when I install an app, on their own subdomain, they all give me either a 404 Error, a 403 Error (showing nginx right under) or a blank page. I have went through the diagnosis, which shows that everything is ok, uninstalled, reinstalled apps (for the newly installed ones), updated and upgraded Yunohost through the command line (directly and through ssh).
I am now at a complete loss and need help to fix my issue.
It seems to be just a few apps, namely Grav (shows a blank page, no error), Penpot (shows a blank page, no error), MyWebapp (shows error 403), Roundcube (shows error 403).
The others I have are working correctly: Nextcloud, Paheko, Shaarli and Hextris (which I’ve installed this morning).
All of my apps are installed on their own subdomain.
I don’t understand why there’s such a problem, I haven’t changed anything in the folders of yunohost, just updated and upgraded everything as time went by.
Also, my server is not always on. It’s usually shutdown except when I have time to play with some of the apps. And I use the command line to correctly shutdown the server so that everything’s ok when it shuts down…