Yunohost DynDNS update fails

What type of hardware are you using: Virtual machine
What YunoHost version are you running: 12.0.6
How are you able to access your server: The webadmin
Direct access via physical keyboard/screen

Describe your issue


The recent migration failed on my server, so I installed fresh Yunohost 12. After reinstalling, I tried to add my old domain (on which I had a Let’s Encrypt certificate). It worked, but said “Let’s Encrypt certificate install failed for”. I tried to add a Let’s Encrypt certificate manually, but it finished with error. Full log here:

I think it’s because my IP (dynamic) it different than one recorded in DynDNS. I tried yunohost dindns update --force but it also finished with error. It said “The peer didn’t like the signature we sent”. Here is the full log:

Now I can’t install a certificate on this domain or even make it point to my IP. Do I have to wait until my old Let’s Encrypt certificate expires? Please, help me with fixing this

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