Ynh_flohmarkt - flohmarkt as an app for yunohost

I started thinking about how to package flohmarkt for yunohost.

I’ll be slow and I hope that this will at least improve the result :slight_smile: .

To collect ideas, questions and knowledge I’d need I started ynh_flohmarkt .

You’re welcome to participate, follow progress, ask why I’m not faster, help with your ideas and suggestions.

Collaboration will be:

If I can spare the time I’ll be reading and writing on the matrix channel.


It’s not production ready nor feature complete, but testing would be very much appreciated:


Available now in the app catalog.


awesome. Thanks for starting flohmarkt and this Yuno package :heart_eyes:

I’ve probably found a bug. When I enter a wrong password with an existing user, there is no message telling me that it’s wrong. It just doesn’t login. With username that is not in the user database, I do get a proper error message. But that should also do with an existing user.

One more: When I try to login with a fediverse account, the format of the log-in e-mail address needs to be perfect, otherwise no login is possible. There’s no message or anything after a failed login attempt, that would indicate that something is wrong and what it may be. I did copy my username but it also copied trailing whitespaces and it took me some time to figure out why I can’t login.
It would be nice if whitespaces (at the beginning or trailing) would be automatically removed or not considered during log-in.

Issue created: #242 - Log-in issues - flohmarkt/flohmarkt - Codeberg.org

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Would you like to put it into issues on codeberg yourself?

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