Ynh_flohmarkt - flohmarkt as an app for yunohost

Here we go: version ynh6 improved the handling of backup, restore, remove, re-install a lot: Issues - flohmarkt/flohmarkt_ynh - Codeberg.org

On the way trying to replace calls directly to curl by ynh_local_curl made me look at that code and ynh_handle_getopts. I extended the first one to deliver features needed to use it to handle couchdb and nearly re-wrote the second one to make it possible to get the command line options I wanted.

The code is included in _common.sh which leads to some linter warnings and available as PRs for testing and discussion:

There are still features that could be improved and probably some rough edges, but I’d say we’re getting close to a nice integration.

The newer version will soon be available on the app store. Feedback like always is very welcome!