XMPP / Metronome / Prosody survey

Yes, I know as well as it works with all other users I have but this one…

Maybe have a quick step in the chat to clarify this : xmpp:yunohost-xmpp@muc.chapril.org?join

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Hi @anubis, I’m looking at your prosody installation for yunohost and it seems very promising !

Do you know snikket ? It’s an xmpp chat network relying on prosody with some additional modules : snikket-server/snikket-modules at master · snikket-im/snikket-server · GitHub

I guess they would be very happy to get ported into yunohost, and I would find it awesome to get snikket enhanced with a multidomain ldap authentication solution!

I used XMPP built-in at the beginning with my 4-5 family members but never could get audio and video calls to work. I gave up on using it and switched over my family to SimpleX and Signal.

I tried some of the things talked about in this 4 year old issue on github but gave up.

If it can work out of the box with audio + video reliably, I’d like to try again with this prosody or whatever is coming next.

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Yeah I know, I think it is a good initiative for people not running Yunohost! We might import or propose some functionalities (like invites), but a packaging is in my opinion not an option on mid-term (not easy to integrate in Yunohost as it is relying on Docker), but feel free to have a try!

This is exactly the purpose of this app, to avoid to dig into tricky configurations steps to make basic functions work!
Let us know on the chat or on a dedicated forum thread if you need assistance.

[sorry if i’m too late, i only just saw this thread, logging in to search for info about the problems i describe below]

i have used ynh for 4-5 years now, and really appreciate the xmpp functionality it offers.

but i have had various issues with metronome that i never manged to solve, such as messages not syncing across devices and also messages being dropped (seemingly if the mobile device was not recently active, but not always, we never really nailed it down). i found debugging this would end up taking up too much time and i still couldn’t solve it. i had tested on two different ynh installs (different hardware and locations), and encountered had similar issues. this despite the requisite modules showing up as enabled in gajim.

i would hope moving to prosody might help this. but also, i would also add my support for ynh having a snikket install. it’s a smooth experience as the devs (who are the prosody devs) made both the server and client, and aim to iron out any compatibility issues or hiccups. it seems like it is also aimed a similar target audience to ynh.

either way, i’m glad some attention is being paid to the issue, and i hope it is for the best in the long run. thanks!

@anubis I just installed prosody_ynh on bookworm and it seems to be completely unconfigured.

I just went back to metronome for now :slightly_smiling_face:

Probably because you install the master version instead of testing (GitHub - YunoHost-Apps/prosody_ynh at testing)? (we are not yet the default version but should become soon)


For those who installed from your (anubister) repo, is the migration done by directly install from the yuno repo, or should we first remove the current package?

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First remove the current package (AFAIK there is not yet the possibility to migrate an app from one place to another).
When installing the package again, DO NOT answer yes to the import of Metronome datas.

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