[wikijs] Modern and powerful wiki

That’s an nextcloud issue, that don’t delete YunoHost deleted users …

Hello @yalh76 and thank you for your work!
Do you know by any chance if there would be a way to automate things like Wiki.js user creation or a way to automate and enable LDAP authentification by default?

Thank you!

user creation doesn’t seems to me interesting as wiki.js can authenticate on ldap.

I’ven’t found an easy way to configure and enable LDAP authentication, for far, the only option i’ve seen, would be to use curl to make user actions. As doing curl stuff add complexity to installation and as LDAP configuration has only be done one time, I choose to send the instruction to the admin user.

If you find a easy way to automate LDAP configuration, let me know

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petit soucis avec la dernière mise à jour, j’ai une erreur durant la mise à jour. Le log complet :


I have a big issue with restoring or installing wikijs and I have lost all my data of a large documentation project.
The output during install via ssh connection is:

Info: INFO - [#########+..........] > Creating LDAP user...
Info: DEBUG - + yunohost user create svc_wikijs_ldap --firstname SvcWikijsLdap --lastname SvcWikijsLdap --domain fuguita.liquorstane.eu --password ********** -q 0
Info: WARNING - Not a tty, can't do interactive prompts
Info: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
Warning: Removing the app after installation failure...
Info: [++..................] > Loading installation settings...
Info: [##++................] > Stopping and removing the systemd service...
Info: [####++..............] > Removing the PostgreSQL database...
Info: [######++............] > Removing app main directory...
Info: [########++..........] > Removing NGINX web server configuration...
Info: [##########++........] > Removing dependencies...
Info: '/usr/local/n' wasn't deleted because it doesn't exist.
Info: [############++......] > Removing LDAP user...
Warning: Unknown user: svc_wikijs_ldap
Info: [##############++....] > Removing the dedicated system user...
Info: [################++..] > Removal of wikijs completed

The same happens when I attempt to restore it from backups.

Any help? Any thing I can do?
I am very frustrated due to the loss of work done…
Thanks if you can help with this issue.

Can you provide a yunopaste link of the install log, what you provided is not enough


and another one emailed to you …
thanks for helping me with this stuff

I have a similar issue with Mobilzon here Mobilizon restore failed
similar because of these lines:

Is it since the version unstable ? There is something related with this PR perhaps Merge firstname and lastname by alexAubin · Pull Request #1516 · YunoHost/yunohost · GitHub ???

@yalh76 Hi, I didn’t received the instruction to the admin user… so I can’t configure LDAP. Where I can find the infos ?

Your admin user is functional ? It’s available inside your webmail.
This Github issue can help you ?

Yes the admin user is functional, I didn’t receive anything on my email.
I will check the github page, thanks

[EDIT] LDAP is configured and working, thanks !

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2023-02-27 23:10:51,107: INFO - [#########+..........] > Creating LDAP user...
2023-02-27 23:10:51,683: WARNING - The password needs to be at least 12 characters long and contain a digit, upper, lower and special characters
2023-02-27 23:10:51,684: DEBUG - You are now about to define a new user password. The password should be at least 8 characters long—though it is good practice to use a longer password (i.e. a passphrase) and/or to a variation of characters (uppercase, lowercase, digits and special characters).
2023-02-27 23:10:51,713: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2023-02-27 23:10:52,221: DEBUG - + ynh_clean_setup
2023-02-27 23:10:52,221: DEBUG - + ynh_clean_check_starting
2023-02-27 23:10:52,222: DEBUG - + '[' -n '' ']'
2023-02-27 23:10:52,222: DEBUG - + '[' -n '' ']'
2023-02-27 23:10:53,224: ERROR - Unable to install wikijs: An error occurred inside the app installation script

make sure u lower the password level to 8 in settings or u get that error

@yalh76 is there a way to sync with YNH groups or the group needs to be remade?

anyone wanna help on ldap?

LDAP_URL: ldap://localhost:389
Admin Bind DN: uid=svc_wikijs_ldap,ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org
Admin Bind Credential:
Search Base: ou=users,dc=yunohost,dc=org
Search Filter: (uid={{username}})

why not “(&(|(objectclass=mailAccount)))” at Search Filter ? and “(&(|(objectclass=posixGroup)))” for groups?

I don’t want to spam the thread just to document the problems and stuff i encounter, maybe the search be with you

storagegit ⇒ gitea
this can be done using basic auth to avoid the gitea ssh “drama”

  1. make a specific user for this no special characters
  2. make a simple password for this user, no special characters aaa1111bbb222bbb33bb444bb5 u get the idea
  3. restrict the permission for this user both in YNH and on gitea, maybe u want to make an organization then a team for this
  4. Authentication Type = basic
  5. repo must end in .git no space
  6. Branch = main
  7. ignore the ssh part
  8. fill the username password and email