Which SFTP domain to use

My YunoHost server

Hardware: VPS (debian)
YunoHost version: (stable)
I have access to my server : Through SSH/webadmin
Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ? : i am using my_webapp and have changed passwords on various things several times

Description of my issue

I have a custom webapp installed via my_webapp, with a custom subdomain (sub.mydomain.com - hosted at cloudflare) pointed to it. The app is accessable with the subdomain via a browser, but i cannot use that subdomain to sftp into the my_webapp user.

I can only successfully sftp in by using the main yunohost instance domain (myname.noho.st). Yet the my_webapp config page says I should use the subdomain i assigned it to sftp. what is going on?

Both the main domain and the subdomain should point to the same ip address. So using any of the domains you have added to yunohost and correctly configured to point to the ip address of the vps should work. The difference between multiple apps is the user name and the password. You can also use the ip address of the vps.
So if one of the domains doesn’t work to sftp, it’s probably not correctly pointing to the vps

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